ddddavidddd (yesterdaywasyesterday)
2014-05-17 10:44:31我是参加2012以及2013两年的美国打工旅游
The Review of My Work and Travel Experience in USA 2013
“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” I
inadvertently read this proverb from a well-known novel and could not realize
the true meaning of it a year ago. However, after I attended the W&T program
at Grandview Lodge (GVL) and spent around 80 days staying in MN, USA, I felt
that I not only received some opinions but also got closer to the conception
of knowing this dictum. I would like to organize my sharing to the below
part: the reasons that urged me to go, the unique jobs that I experienced and
the things I learned.
Beside the urge to travel and the destination to improve my poor English, the
reason I attended this program was the ambition of being broadened. Staying
in Taiwan during my whole summer vacation would not give me a chance to learn
things which happen outside this island. I believed that there were lots of
life experience which could only be undergone oversea. Therefore, when I got
the chance to spend my whole summer in another country, I seized this
opportunity in no time. What’s more, I have lived in Taipei City for more
than 20 years and had to do everything in a rush. So using this chance to
escape from the fast paced life was another reason which urged me to give it
a shot.
Growing up in Taipei City, I never had the chance to experience these
particular jobs at GVL, such as golf course cleaner, gardener and
housekeeper. As a golf court cleaner, I had to reach the golf course center
at 05:30 am. My duties were removing leaves from the golf car driving road,
smoothing the bunkers in the golf course and planting seeds in the holes made
by the guests. When it comes to gardening, it’s never been easy. I would
regard this rare job as a hard one because tasks such as blowing away leaves
from the sidewalk via blowing machine, removing sea weeds at the beach and
cutting down trees are really exhausted. However, the most impressive job for
me was not the former job mentioned, it was being a housekeeper, which was my
main job at this resort. Being a housekeeper required good memory because we
had to memorize not only the ways to make beds, clean toilets and fold
towels, but the locations of whole units in the resort. It was really a
challenge for me since this resort is very big and it is difficult to
recognize all the units.
Finally, there were several points of view that I comprehended from this
summer. Attending this program widely broadened my view to the world. I
experienced so many things that had no chance to happen in Taiwan and those
things brought me a culture shock. Moreover, I also learned to communicate
with others because we had around 50 international students in GVL. We had to
share the limited equipment at the gym, at the recreation area and other
places. The most remarkable realization for this journey was that: Even
though I just stayed there for a summer, I was treated nicely by the
Americans. To say the least, they took me to their home to play tubing and
fishing, took me to Chinese restaurant for dinner and treated me like a
member of their family. Thus, I have decided to treat other international
friends who visit Taiwan kindly in the future.
To sum up, having this chance to visit another side of the earth for 80 days
is absolutely fantastic. I have not only learned a lot but also practiced
what I preach, “the world is a book and those who do not travel read only a
page”. Some people might say that attending this program is risky,
time-consuming and costly. However, if I did not give it a try, I would never
achieve this perfect and awesome dream.