这样目中无人的 简直要拖累其他人 只想装模作样的 窝真的无话可说了。。。。pretending we are known each other for long time. what? =・・= 泥谁窝不敢说窝要高攀谁 单身 但是窝不会脸皮厚到目中无人呦就算是砲友也可以选择的this is modern society....anyone can make their ownchoice.......choice What their own life. they wanna do . moreoverthey want to be without offending anyone elsekeep the personal private. with their reputation.am I fucking wrong...yeap...you can ask for the point to challenge me yooooo
https://i.imgur.com/zmy0NBR.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/UMK49E0.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/EWOmXKb.jpgchoose what life life you want to be make your own judgment我可不可以包养洨鲜肉呢? (/^▽^)/ 如果窝是富豪妹所以呢? 这是台湾的潜规格啊…this is what I call Taiwan style.潜规则 =・・= 干她妈妈的窝还真的不知道英文要怎么翻译耶喔喔喔喔 可以列入华顿商学院的商业教案囉…(∩▽∩)如何成功的经营一家大家都系返的店 形象管理之类的