※ 引述《abc12812 ()》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《justmine99 (justmine99)》之铭言:
: : 如题
: : 最近吵得沸沸扬扬的种族歧视
: : 很多人说
: : 黑人无法翻身是有系统性、结构的问题
: : 但同样在以前
: : 美国黄种人其实也是非常低阶的矿工
: : 但为何就没有像黑人这样严重的系统问题?
: 根本比错
: 当初那批清国奴工几乎都被遣返了
: 现在在美国音量较大的华裔移民 大多数是在二战后留学美国后落地生根
: 例如林书豪一家
: 等于是华裔移民几乎是一开始就保证是大学研究所以上学历
: 连一般美国白人都没这等学历
: 当然生活收入屌打其他族裔移民
: 当华裔一代就已经接近封顶 当然二代要阶级复制也就不是什么难事
可是你还是不能解释 为什么中下阶层的华裔 小孩成绩也比较好啊
The Manhattan Institutes Kay Hymowitz has reported in City Journal that a disproportionate number of
Asians admitted to these schools come from
a low-income neighborhood in Brooklyn where Chinese immigrant parents have crammed themselves
into dorm-like quarters, working brutally long hours waiting tables, washing dishes, and cleaning hotel rooms.
The Asian student outcomes we see year after year arent the result of luck or privilege.
They stem from hard work and a culture that prioritizes learning.
Research shows that Asian kids read more books, watch less television, and study longer.
In poorer families, money goes toward test-prep instead of $200 sneakers.
The results are obvious at elite schools nationwide, where even low-income Asian students
have outperformed middle- and upper-income students from other groups