现实世界有一个157的也是重考呀 XD 这世上有个东西叫做考运, 既然是运, 那就是机率
Probability is the measure of the likelihood that an event will occur. See
glossary of probability and statistics. Probability quantifies as a number
between 0 and 1, where, loosely speaking, 0 indicates impossibility and 1
indicates certainty. The higher the probability of an event, the more likely
it is that the event will occur.
以上化繁为简, 也就是一个between零与一之间的"可能性"
根据Bayes' theorem:
In probability theory and statistics, Bayes' theorem describes the probability
of an event, based on prior knowledge of conditions that might be related to
the event. Bayes' theorem is stated mathematically as the following equation:
where A and B are events and P(B)=\=0
.P(A|B) is a conditional probability: the likelihood of event A occurring given
that B is true
.P(B|A) is also a conditional probability: the likehood of event B occurring
given that A is true.
.P(A) and P(B) are the probabilities of observing A and B independently of each
other; this is known as the marginal probability.
讲白话就是你有那么多因素去影响最后的prob, 那当然"爸妈"也是~
爸妈更可以拆解成其背景, 学养, 财力, 情绪, 或统称一般人讲的"资源"
那157的都要重考了, 130的叫啥呢 XD 我认识有个160的还要上节目找资源呢!
事实上高智商的过得"特别辛苦", 是一种不能说的沈重, 因为tag就在那
既然自己的学习能力不是问题, 那么就着手去改变其他input试试看吧!