Re: [问卦] 有没有中国台北 vs 中华台北的卦?

楼主: deathwomen (贱盘小妹)   2018-11-28 18:56:56
A: Hi, Nice to mee you. Where are you from?
B: I'm from the Republic of China.
A: Oh, China. Great country. My family and I went to China last year. The great
Wall was amazing!
B: Nonono. The Great Wall is in the People's Republic of China. But I'm from th
e Republic of China. We are different.
A; What? You just said you are from China, right?
B: No, not China. Although our offical name is the Reupbilc of China, but we usu
ally use Chinese Taipei as our alternative name.
A: Oh, Taipei. I get it. You are from Taiwan.
B: Nonono. Not Taiwan. Taiwan is just a part of the Republic of China. We use Ch
inese Taipei.
A: Okay. So... Taipei belongs to China?
B: Nonono. If I said Taipei, China, which will mean Taipei belongs to China. But
I didn't said that. What I said is we're Chinese Taipei. Which means we're from
the Republic of China.
作者: wattswatts (挖哩)   2018-11-28 19:00:00
作者: carnie   2018-11-28 19:07:00
你生活中是有多少机会会遇到外国人?老阿姨我35岁 目前还没跟外国人交谈过
作者: eddie909 (绝剑)   2018-11-28 19:08:00
作者: gve50714 (Atim)   2018-11-28 19:15:00
作者: carnie   2018-11-28 19:16:00
男生来女板可不可以发有趣的文啊 拜托我还宁愿看女生发穿搭文
作者: jajoy (黑暗在蔓延)   2018-11-28 19:17:00
作者: bomacedonia (祁连山的草)   2018-11-28 19:35:00
作者: soulmola (superass)   2018-11-28 19:42:00
不用纠结这个 地球是外星人创造的
作者: dawncloud (浮云)   2018-11-28 19:47:00
唉唷 只能说楼主你洗心革面的程度还不够 遇到没有办法解释的情况 只要说这些外国人崩溃无知不就够了吗
作者: Parazicecum (WTKD)   2018-11-28 20:54:00
你是不是没说过英文啊 You are from Taiwan这句有什么好no的 你好歹也掰个Nationality 问Where are youfrom又不是在问国籍 这也能乱扯 我还遇过美国朋友回答我I'm from Wisconsin咧 左转八卦版多学几篇 那边有些掰的比你好多了这你就要问金门跟绿岛人囉 不过我在小琉球还真的碰过一个中年浮潜教练跟我说“海洋垃圾都是从你们台湾那漂来的!”
作者: hungene (武神尸)   2018-11-29 00:46:00
小时后住美国,跟别人说I'm from Taiwan或I'm from ROC都不会有人误会。不知原po是什么时候去哪个国家遇到这个困扰的?

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