Fw: [新闻] 美国征兵登记,女性现在必须要登记

楼主: shintrain (战犯分析师)   2016-06-16 16:22:35
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作者: FlutteRage (我没看第三季之后的啦) 看板: Gossiping
标题: [新闻] 美国征兵登记,女性现在必须要登记
时间: Thu Jun 16 14:19:33 2016
Senate Votes to Require Women to Register for the Draft
WASHINGTON — In the latest and perhaps decisive battle over the role of
women in the military, Congress is embroiled in an increasingly intense
debate over whether they should have to register for the draft when they turn
On Tuesday, the Senate approved an expansive military policy bill that would
for the first time require young women to register for the draft. The shift,
while fiercely opposed by some conservative lawmakers and interest groups,
had surprisingly broad support among Republican leaders and women in both
The United States has not used the draft since 1973 during the Vietnam War.
But the impact of such a shift, reflecting the evolving role of women in the
armed services, would likely be profound.
Under the Senate bill passed on Tuesday, women turning 18 on or after Jan. 1,
2018, would be forced to register for Selective Service, as men must do now.
Failure to register could result in the loss of various forms of federal aid,
including Pell grants, a penalty that men already face. Because the policy
would not apply to women who turned 18 before 2018, it would not affect
current aid arrangements.
“The fact is,” said Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona and the
chairman of the Armed Services Committee, “every single leader in this
country, both men and women, members of the military leadership, believe that
it’s fair since we opened up all aspects of the military to women that they
would also be registering for Selective Services.”
The Supreme Court ruled in 1981 that women did not have to register for the
draft, noting that they should not face the same requirements as men because
they did not participate on the front lines of combat. But since Defense
Secretary Ashton B. Carter said in December that the Pentagon would open all
combat jobs to women, military officials have told Congress that women should
also sign up for the draft.
“It’s my personal view,” Gen. Robert B. Neller, the commandant of the
Marine Corps, told the Senate Armed Services Committee in February, that with
the complete lifting of the ban on women in combat roles, “every American who
’s physically qualified should register for the draft.”
While most Republican senators — including Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the
majority leader, and the women on the Armed Services Committee — agree with
the move, it has come under fierce attack from some of Congress’s most
conservative members.
“The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls in combat to my mind
makes little sense at all,” Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas and the
father of two young daughters, said on the Senate floor last week.
After voting against the bill on Tuesday, Mr. Cruz said in a prepared
statement: “I could not in good conscience vote to draft our daughters into
the military, sending them off to war and forcing them into combat.”
The debate will now pit the Senate against the House, where the policy change
has support but was not included in that chamber’s version of the bill.
In April, Representative Duncan Hunter, Republican of California, offered a
provision related to women and the draft for the House version of the defense
policy bill to highlight the issue, even though he opposes the idea — then
voted against his own amendment. It passed with bipartisan support but was
stripped from the final bill in a procedural move.
“If he didn’t do this in the committee and spur the national debate, who
was going to do it?” Joe Kasper, Mr. Hunter’s chief of staff, said. “So,
mission accomplished.”
Senator Mike Lee, Republican of Utah, made a mild attempt to strip the
language from the Senate bill on the floor after the Armed Services Committee
overwhelmingly rejected a similar effort, but his amendment never received a
The two bills will now be reconciled in a conference committee between the
House and the Senate, where a contentious debate is expected.
“It may well be a topic of great controversy,” said Senator Richard
Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut, who serves on the Armed Services
Committee. “But it should not be.”
Military experts say that even if the efforts to compel women to enlist fails
in Congress, the issue is not going away.
“I think the change is inevitable,” said Nora Bensahel, a military policy
analyst at American University’s School of International Service, “whether
in this debate or through the courts. It just seems that now that you have
women allowed to serve in any position in the military, there is no logical
basis to say women should not be drafted.”
Conservative groups, which threatened to target senators who voted for the
policy bill, reacted with anger on Tuesday to the bill’s passage. “Allowing
our daughters to be forced into combat if there is a draft is a clear example
of Washington placing more value on liberal social engineering than military
objectives and preparedness,” one such group, Heritage Action for America,
said in a news release.
But supporters of the policy change say opponents are oversimplifying the
issue. “What people don’t seem to understand is just because there is
conscription, that does not mean that all women would serve in the infantry,”
Senator Deb Fischer, Republican of Nebraska, said. “There are many ways to
serve our country in the event of a national emergency.”
The Senate is expected to hold its ground as conservative members defend the
status quo. Mr. McCain, whose family has a long and storied history in the
military and whose daughter-in-law is a captain in the Air Force Reserve,
said to Mr. Cruz on the Senate floor: “I respect the senator from Texas’s
view. Too bad that view is not shared by our military leadership, the ones
who have had the experience in combat with women.”
4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
作者: su4vu6   2016-06-16 16:23:00
作者: BATTLAX (普利司通)   2016-06-16 16:24:00
作者: leilo (Lei)   2016-06-16 16:24:00
是版规有改了还是怎样 怎么连三篇都像没看版规似的(抓头
作者: Kukuxumusu (Kukuxumusu)   2016-06-16 16:25:00
话说美国军前两三年 才解禁 同性恋不得当兵 的恶规但目前还没有处理 变性人/性别认知 的状况 (也就是被发现会强迫要求退伍 不可以继续当 但他们明明是自愿从军 却因为性别认同问题被弃 其实也还是满可怜的
作者: UniversalGod (UniversalGod)   2016-06-16 16:27:00
作者: masatoxd (毛球)   2016-06-16 16:28:00
某人言论笑死我了 你以为男生自愿去当兵的喔
作者: b5023556 (b5023556)   2016-06-16 16:29:00
我们要怀孕 你们要吗?
作者: masatoxd (毛球)   2016-06-16 16:30:00
现在有多少女生不生 生育率如此低迷 还拿这个坦喔
作者: guk (guk)   2016-06-16 16:31:00
作者: weliche (時雨)   2016-06-16 16:31:00
有够无聊的 什么时候才能有新梗 来来去去同样那几句
作者: OAOA5566 (雪花喵喵)   2016-06-16 16:31:00
要怀孕不就好棒棒 最好每个女的都有打算要生 假如是自己放荡爱玩就别怪别人啦
作者: su4vu6   2016-06-16 16:32:00
作者: b5023556 (b5023556)   2016-06-16 16:32:00
先去怀孕再来叫我们当兵!才当一年而已 我们怀孕比当兵十年还辛苦
作者: BATTLAX (普利司通)   2016-06-16 16:32:00
现在男生剩4个月 请问有什么差?这边没人在问男生阿明明讨论女性当兵 怎么一堆男性当兵出来讲话
作者: masatoxd (毛球)   2016-06-16 16:33:00
ㄏㄏ 4个月没差 你怎么不去
作者: OAOA5566 (雪花喵喵)   2016-06-16 16:33:00
女生可以爽堕就堕 男生请问可以不当就不当吗?
楼主: shintrain (战犯分析师)   2016-06-16 16:33:00
作者: su4vu6   2016-06-16 16:34:00
作者: masatoxd (毛球)   2016-06-16 16:34:00
支持女生义务役 破除大法官歧视言论
楼主: shintrain (战犯分析师)   2016-06-16 16:35:00
叭叭 女性有经痛可以请假 男性也想要有茎痛可以请
作者: kaiyine (夏)   2016-06-16 16:38:00
作者: chouzen12 (丘人)   2016-06-16 16:38:00
作者: shizz (吃不到罗卜的驴子)   2016-06-16 16:38:00
register for draft跟台湾的征兵不一样吧… 何况标题跟内文不符,内文摆明还没定案啊
作者: Sioli (客人)   2016-06-16 16:39:00
作者: HuiHuiWolf (喵喵喵喵喵)   2016-06-16 16:39:00
以为经痛请假很爽吗 只能一直冒冷汗痛昏在床上欸
作者: chungrew (work hard, play hard)   2016-06-16 16:39:00
作者: BATTLAX (普利司通)   2016-06-16 16:40:00
现在社会给女性的压力太大了 生产 家事 教育 现在又当兵
作者: chungrew (work hard, play hard)   2016-06-16 16:40:00
作者: su4vu6   2016-06-16 16:41:00
楼主: shintrain (战犯分析师)   2016-06-16 16:41:00
可以生出来给老公教阿 你们去上班 又不是没有家庭煮夫
作者: OAOA5566 (雪花喵喵)   2016-06-16 16:41:00
所以小孩都女生一手带大的? 是的话我没话说
作者: chungrew (work hard, play hard)   2016-06-16 16:42:00
作者: masatoxd (毛球)   2016-06-16 16:42:00
家事跟教育是夫妻间共同分担的 跟当兵有何关
楼主: shintrain (战犯分析师)   2016-06-16 16:42:00
作者: Sioli (客人)   2016-06-16 16:42:00
0.0 随便狗一下就知道是....这鱼饵有没有那么好吃???
楼主: shintrain (战犯分析师)   2016-06-16 16:43:00
还扯到怀孕 女性都是在当兵的年龄怀孕是吗
作者: chungrew (work hard, play hard)   2016-06-16 16:43:00
作者: OAOA5566 (雪花喵喵)   2016-06-16 16:43:00
作者: chouzen12 (丘人)   2016-06-16 16:44:00
作者: kaiyine (夏)   2016-06-16 16:44:00
作者: Sioli (客人)   2016-06-16 16:45:00
..引战的随便炮两下就闪了 剩下一堆离题的一直吵
楼主: shintrain (战犯分析师)   2016-06-16 16:46:00
98个月的卫生棉变98个月的尿布 偷偷升级喔防侧漏 所以包尿布
作者: vdkl (阿欢)   2016-06-16 16:51:00
当兵是国家社会义务 你小孩家庭怎样是你家的事
作者: thenorth (微微)   2016-06-16 16:53:00
为什么那么容易被引战钓到= =
作者: vdkl (阿欢)   2016-06-16 16:57:00
扯什么生育 家事 那是家庭沟通的问题 不是全台湾的家庭都有
楼主: shintrain (战犯分析师)   2016-06-16 16:58:00
真要扯生育吼 现在一堆都不生的
作者: Sioli (客人)   2016-06-16 16:59:00
作者: ghghfftjack (欲望深厚的老衲)   2016-06-16 17:00:00
缩怀孕的那位是不想服义务役 想去别国的喇
作者: Sioli (客人)   2016-06-16 17:02:00
楼上这样直接 会不会被水桶啊 帮你QQ
作者: gh34163 (这。)   2016-06-16 17:02:00
作者: ghghfftjack (欲望深厚的老衲)   2016-06-16 17:03:00
应该不会喇 我也没有丢连结 已经很佛心喇
作者: gh34163 (这。)   2016-06-16 17:04:00
作者: zerok (zerok)   2016-06-16 17:12:00
还真沉不住气阿~~~~这种转过来战男女平权的看看就好 反正近期也不会施行阿~~~到老死可能都不会发生惹何必跟这种文章一般见识 女生不用当就是不用当阿~~~~
作者: kuromu (kuromu)   2016-06-16 17:15:00
作者: cancan18 (18号)   2016-06-16 17:18:00
说个笑话 女权争的是性别平等
作者: sleeplesser (向往蔚蓝之海的企鹅冬冬)   2016-06-16 17:20:00
作者: sherbet   2016-06-16 17:22:00
战时这样的话很正常啊 过去即使没明文制度 在战时是男女都得被安排做事吧 你要说什么啊? 话说你有好好接受国民义务教育吧?
作者: cancan18 (18号)   2016-06-16 17:27:00
作者: sherbet   2016-06-16 17:33:00
楼上加油喔 多喊几次你的权利就可以提升了 加油加油!
作者: cancan18 (18号)   2016-06-16 17:40:00
楼上一定是觉醒的新女性><嘴巴喊著平等 然后只追求自己的利益别人不平等的叫他自己去争取真是太伟大了!
作者: sherbet   2016-06-16 17:44:00
所以呢~奇怪 这篇新闻说的是美国国会通过18岁女性要登记战时征兵的法案 骂的人是在骂谁啊? 要骂也该是贴看有谁表示他只要权利拒绝义务的新闻或文章之类的吧? 到底在干嘛啊真可爱
作者: lightingray (lightingray)   2016-06-16 17:50:00
不管啦~美国女生不会怀孕 美国女生不会有月经啦~
作者: cancan18 (18号)   2016-06-16 17:50:00
没有所以啊 某种人就是两个字 虚伪打着平等的大旗 只追求自己的利益的人
作者: sherbet   2016-06-16 17:57:00
作者: cancan18 (18号)   2016-06-16 18:00:00
真正追求性别平等的美国与反观台湾某些新时代女性很难懂吗 拍拍
作者: sam97 (Sam97)   2016-06-16 18:02:00
作者: ssam506 (ㄅㄆㄇ)   2016-06-16 18:02:00
女权自助餐 那可能跟你嘴这个 洗洗睡吧
作者: AppleAlice   2016-06-16 18:07:00
作者: sherbet   2016-06-16 18:07:00
原来是八卦流的对空汪汪叫式反观啊 努力点唷
作者: AppleAlice   2016-06-16 18:08:00
作者: cancan18 (18号)   2016-06-16 18:09:00
作者: sherbet   2016-06-16 18:09:00
作者: meredith001 (ああああ ̄▽ ̄)   2016-06-16 18:20:00
拜托不要 征女兵只会搞死其他男性小兵而已
作者: cowyou   2016-06-16 18:26:00
作者: centuryboy (二十世纪少年)   2016-06-16 18:30:00
怀孕?我以为这里的都不是生产机器 单身一个人也过的好
作者: sakurak0   2016-06-16 18:35:00
作者: anoymouse (没有暱称)   2016-06-16 18:46:00
作者: eternia0920 (我不會用水球( ̄□ ̄||)a)   2016-06-16 18:48:00
这政策 在台湾要实行难度很高的 台湾有台湾的玩法
作者: patrick08 (嘿嘿哈)   2016-06-16 18:54:00
怀孕,你不生没人逼你生啊 ,有什么好吵的,一个人也很好不是吗?还带小孩做家事都拿出来讲了,现代女性不都说教育跟家事都是夫妻共同责任了?怎么又有女人要把那些责任都算在自己身上?
作者: ijwyj (狮子亲吻羚羊)   2016-06-16 19:03:00
作者: sakamotoha (sakamotoha)   2016-06-16 19:40:00
作者: abc7360393 (八卦山下智久)   2016-06-16 20:37:00
这篇推文真的奇文共赏 一堆有骨气的性平主义女性被你们这些白痴扯后腿我相信有些是男肥宅载反串就是了 但有些看不出来
作者: sherbet   2016-06-16 20:39:00
作者: a240daniel (GAGA HSU)   2016-06-16 20:56:00
作者: yingrain (丽莎)   2016-06-16 21:19:00
b5023556是男的喔 拜托不要再来反串引战了 这样到底有什么好处?
作者: Bright (璀璨的代价)   2016-06-16 23:39:00
女生要怀孕男生是需要喔 白痴政策
作者: ganbastar (兔仔的主人)   2016-06-17 10:25:00

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