[情报] 1/20 Storm 大型Q&A

楼主: WillieHuang (Willie)   2015-01-21 11:28:54
共 94 条…如果我没算错……
- it’s possible that there will be new perks, modules and consumables, but it
’s not guaranteed they will come this year
- no free FV4202 premium? “No comment”
FV4202 免费转金车没了?“不予置评”
- currently, WG is reworking WoT audio under to the “wwise” system, unclear
as to what will it mean for WoT players
目前 WG 正在用‘wwise’系统重制WoT音效,还不确定对玩家们来说有什么影响
- the spawn point distribution (as in, how vehicles are placed within the
spawn area) are chosen so that they are evenly distributed and balanced
- the issue with small objects of houses (like porches, stairs) being
undestructible – this will be reworked, but not soon (during complete
content overhaul”)
- AMX CDC is still being balanced, it’s too early to judge it
AMX CDC 还在平衡中,勿妄下论断
- WoT will not have a separate subscription-based server
- Storm states that the nostalgia after old patches is just the effect of
human memory of remembering only good things. The reality, when comparing
them to the current state of the game, they suck. Not so long ago, WG was “
testing” an old version of the game (6.0 or something), it was terrible.
Storm 表示,会认为以前的版本比较好是记忆美化的结果;WG最近把旧版本(~6.0版)拿
- the issue that the medal for the winter mode (on RU server) is not found in
correct medal section will be fixed
8-bit 模式(俄服)的勋章归类错误,会修正
- it’s unclear whether there will be any second American medium line with
T95/T96 (SS: Storm evaded the question)
还不确定会不会有美国 T95/T96 中坦线(SS: Storm 在回避问题)
- HD IS-3 will come “when it’s done”
- regarding the HD rework of Type 59 and Jagdtiger 88 (and their unhistorical
armor), it’s not sure yet what will happen (“we will think how to do it
correctly”), the decision was not taken yet
- the amount of arty in battles is satisfactory
- it’s possible technologies from other WG projects will be implemented into
WG 其他专案的技术有可能移植进 WoT 里
- earlier, multicore support was impossible due to Umbra middleware. This
situation has changed.
之前因为 Umbra 中间件的缘故无法支援多核,现在情况不同了
- Storm states he doesn’t play arty, but other WG devs that do a lot
(experts) like the Battle Assistant mode
Storm 自己不玩自走砲;但是其他玩很凶的开发人员很喜欢 Battle Assistant 模组
- developers have thought about implementing Battle Assistant mode into World
of Tanks, but Storm states it would have to come along with an arty nerf, so
for now no proper solution was found
考虑过将 Battle Assistant 模组官方化,但 Storm 表示这样的话必定要补砍自走砲;
- Storm openly says that the Battle Assistant mod does give players an
advantage in game
Storm 公开表示 Battle Assistant 模组会带给玩家优势
- some of the solutions for arty (should the Battle Assistant mode be
implemented) include showing arty reload timers to players or to designate
the sector where the arty is firing from (SS: now that’s just copying
Armored Warfare)
引入 Battle Assistant 模组的平衡问题,解法包含“对玩家显示自走砲装填时间”或“
(SS: 抄 AW 的)
- three equipment slots are “an axiom” in WG (SS: as in, won’t change)
- Storm doesn’t consider the manual enabling of Personal Missions a fail,
both manual and automatic enabling have their advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages include “informed choice of mission”. There’s not “too
much clicking” involved in Storm’s opinion.
个人任务需手动启动,Storm 不认为有错。手动和自动各有优缺点,优点包含“做有意识
的选择”。而“需要点太多次”并不是 Storm 的考量。
- IM filters will be reworked
- Storm states that the situation where strong clans dominate the stronghold
mode is fine – it’s “strongest survives”, otherwise there would be no
强大公会主宰堡垒模式的状况 Storm 表示是正常的:弱肉强食,不然没有动力
- there was no promise made that there would be a special mode suitable for
weaker clans
- artillery accuracy was not “secretly nerfed”, “all the changes are in
- it’s not technically possible to set a different accuracy spread for
individual tanks
- for now, no premium account buffs are planned
- there is no info in internal WG plans for better clan management functions
- an “extension” of team battles is currently being developed
- the next branch to involve “monster tanks” á la Maus will be the
Japanese heavies
- the render range will be changed to circle soon, WG expects exploiters (who
use this for trick shots) to whine
近期将把绘图范围改成圆形,WG 已经预见既得利益者会抱怨了。
- the removal of platoon element in IM’s is not planned for now
- it’s possible that tanks with limited MM (FCM 50t) will be removed from
the shop
有可能将有保护分房的车(FCM 50t)下架
- Panzer V/IV rebalance will not come anytime soon
- no ETA on HD M6A2E1 premium tank, as “it’s not all up to Wargaming”
大头 M6 的 HD 化未有时间表,“这不是 WG 能一手搞定的事”
- very long battles (possibly with PvE element) that the players will be able
to join in progress are planned
预计让玩家能中途加入超长战斗(大概是 PvE 模式)
- reconnect mechanism (of a client after a connection loss) will be reworked
- Storm cannot publish Stronkhold statistics regarding amounts of clans and
the tier of their bases
Storm 不能公布堡垒模式中的公会数量及其阶级
- roaming was cancelled. The reason is the inadequacy of Russian server
players, who would abuse it to screw with battles on other servers. There are
however also problems not related with RU behavior – mass migrations might
harm server stability.
- it’s possible that more settings will be introduced to minimap (fonts and
such), but no guarantees
- there will NOT be skill MM
- Storm states that server for 50+ winrate players would not be successful,
as players would leave it quickly “due to the increased difficulty of battles

- T95E2 is apparently fine statistically (counting in the fact skilled
players have it in their hands), later however Storm states he’ll have a
look at it
T95E2 数据上没问题(已计入高玩的影响),然而 Storm 表示他会再看看。
- Q: “WG sucks, everything is bad, WoT sucks and you devs suck!” A: “Shit
happens. Don’t overeat in the night, do excercises in the morning and
everything’s going to be fine.”
- Storm confirms that he is aware of the “too many draws on Swamp map”
issue, the map will be reworked. If these changes do not improve the
situation, the map will be removed.
Storm 已经知道“Swamp 太常平手”的问题,会修改地图。若这修改未能成功,就会移除
- Storm states that the amount of team battle players is not dropping, it’s
slowly rising actually. There are plans to develop the mode further.
- the appearance of FV4202 in 9.6 test (for supertesters) does NOT mean that
there will be two FV4202′s at the same time (premium and non-premium), it
means that the premium FV4202 will simply be tested for longer time
9.6 超测出现金FV4202;并不代表金银版会并存,只是金 FV4202 会测的比较久而已
- Czechoslovak branch in WoT: “I cannot say anything. Well, I can, but I can
- 9.7 will bring AMX-30? “That I also cannot say :(”
9.7 会有 AMX-30?“这也不好说 >"<”
- WG is working on increasing the map size. No details for now, it’s not
clear yet to which size and which maps will be made bigger.
- MM 3.0 – “for now it’s just a theory, it will take a long time to
implement”. Storm confirms there will be MM fixes, but it will definitely
not each team having a vehicle of certain class (“slots”).
- regarding the client size, Storm states that one vehicle is now cca 30 MB,
so all the vehicles are like 400 * 30 = 12 Gigs. For players with weak
computers, there will be a special SD variant (SD client) with reduced
texture quality.
谈到客户端大小,Storm 表示一台车大约 30Mb,全部约 12Gb。会有低分辨率材质的较小
- Veider talks about the upcoming TD viewrange nerf: it will not harm TD’s,
unless you are scouting with them or something. It did not come up in vacuum.
Statistics were made and analyzed. The problem with TD viewrange is that TD’
s do not “scout” (light targets up) much in the battles, they only do that
at the end of the battle, when they are in critical situation. In such cases,
they are OP in defense – thanks to their viewrange it’s difficult to attack
them. Generally, the change will not influence the class gameplay, nobody
will kick TD’s out of the bushes.
Veider 谈到 TD 视野下修:除非你都拿 TD 侦查,不然不会有害。这并不是凭空乱砍,
我们收集统计数据并分析过的。视野的问题在于:TD 平常不开光,会轮到它们开光时都
是状况已经危急了。而这状况下高视野会让 TD 在防御时太强。大致来说,视野更动不会
影响这职阶的玩法,没人叫 TD 不准蹲草。
- it’s possible that in the future, some TD’s will have their accuracy
未来可能会下修 TD 的准度
- gameplay inertia is taken into account in balance changes
- Aufklärungspanzer Panther will be completely removed, not made premium
AFK 豹会被移除,不会转金
- it’s “completely possible” that Italy and Sweden will get completely
independent trees
- it’s possible girl crews will get girl voiceover
- one of the variants of dealing with platoon IM’s (change them) is to allow
these missions to be played by solo players too, but with more difficult
conditions. For now however, the platoon requirement stays.

- developers will not increase the amount of equipment slots for gold (it’s
pay to win too much)
- Havok will not increase WoT’s minimal requirements, as it will be optional
Havok 会是选则性功能,不会提高 WoT 的最低需求
- tank shell trajectory will not be changed to resemble a curve on horizontal
- progress bar of IM’s in battle is already being developed
- it will not be possible to select IM directly in battle
- Japanese premium MT (STA-2) is almost ready
STA-2 快好了
- Storm states that lags and freezes when switching to arty mode stopped
being a massive problem after the fixed from last patches
- the option to transfer XP from one crewmember to another will not be
- Minsk map will not be implemented apparently
不会加入明斯克地图(译者:为啥不做 WG 总部地图?很有趣啊)
- it’s possible company mode will be completely removed
- Chat 2.0 is in the implementation process. It has however issues when the
amount of players is too high.
- developers are working on HD maps as well
- it’s possible Sh-37 Soviet gun penetration will be revisited
可能会重新检视 Sh-37 机关砲的穿深(译者:T-46 的砲;本来是空用机砲的)
- low caliber autocannons with limited range will not have their range
increased, it’s not just a game issue, but also a server performance issue
- it’s likely that perk rebalance will not come this year
- KV-5 miniturret buff would only come at the expense of that tank losing its
limited MM
KV-5 想穿硬胸罩,就得拔掉分房保护。
- unique perks for events will not be implemented
- the result of the recent armor role discussion will be a nerf of several
outstanding guns’ penetration, but beyond that, nothing for now, these “
quite possibly” include 300mm+ pen guns
- new emblems are not planned for now
- Storm played more than before lately, didn’t like IS-8 so he switched to
Storm 最近玩的多了,IS-8 打不好所以跳槽 M6
- Q: “What’s with garage battles?” A: “Nothing”
- 30 x 30 format was scrapped for now
目前放弃 30 vs 30 的战斗
- low to mid tier vehicles will not recieve limited +1/-1 MM
不会提供低阶车 +1/-1 分房
- multiturret mechanism is not being developed for now
- AMX CDC and T-54 model 1945 will not have limited MM
AMX CDC 和 T-54 mod. 1945 都不会有分房限制
- Tiger L/56 is a tester tank, no decision about it yet
- Panther 88 will not recieve limited MM
- T67 will be investigated for being OP (SS: as in, possibly nerfed)
会对 T67 起动 OP调查(SS: 大概会砍)
- Prokhorovka and Swamp will not be limited to tiers 1-6
Prokhorovka 和 Swamp 将不会设为六阶以下专用地图
- Storm states that there is no such thing as a “corridor maps trend”, the
result of the entire “corridor” discussion/whine were changes on several
specific maps
Storm 表示“长廊式地图趋势”根本胡扯,有关长廊式地形的讨论/抱怨都集中在特定几
- Severogorsk was removed because it was boring
Severogorsk 因为太无聊而被移除
- Object 260 will not be nerfed for now, too few statistics are available
数据不足,Object 260 尚不会被砍
- TD2 mission will be investigated, there’s possibly a bug.
TD 2号任务可能有错,会调查
- AMX CDC will possibly be a normal (purchaseable) premium tank, but it’s
not totally sure yet
AMX CDC 可能做成一般(可购买)金车,但尚未定案
作者: goldensnitch (金探子)   2015-01-21 12:31:00
查你OP没错 上帝模式下看可以命中 MOD里发现瞄太高 车太矮大风吹 吹什么 吹
作者: Jadeiteangel (背德的狂信者)   2015-01-24 20:05:00

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