hitlerx (谷月涵)
2014-12-15 20:36:00连结:
Hello everyone,
Anton “Evilly” Pankov confirms in a video that Wargaming will soon remove
one (unspecified) vehicle from the game shop. This is likely to apply to all
servers. The reason for the removal is that this vehicle starts to be too
numerous and it’s too powerful for a premium tank, so in order not to have
to nerf the tank, it will be removed from the shop (like the KV-5, LeFH and
Type 59 were before).
There is a very high suspicion that the vehicle to be removed is the E-25,
but it was not confirmed yet. It was mentioned numerous times (even by WG
staff) to be too good however.
简单的说, 官方又要拿掉做坏的金车了, 像之前的KV-5(但是依然常拿出来卖)
看底下留言呼声较高的是E25 跟 12244 低阶的则有S35 跟 FCM36Pak40
版主要不要做个投票甚至开个赌盘 XD 不然这个版好像没有啥好投的?