A fun fact I have not seen written anywhere before. Did you know that fire
(amongst other effects) reduces the camo of your tank to zero?
你知道吗? 其实战车起火(以及其他状态)都会让隐蔽值归零
- some tier 10 vehicles have unlockable guns, because, as SerB explains: “In
real life, these vehicles had ‘stock’ guns. The need to unlock the top guns
is compensated by lower unlocking price of the vehicle itself.”
SerB 解释为啥某些十阶车得要研发顶砲:“这些车现实中有原厂砲。为了补偿这辆车较低
- Q: “Why is KV-85 called KV-85 and not KV-100 or KV-122?” (SS: the number
obviously means gun caliber, so 122mm KV-1S would be KV-122. The name is not
automatic and it’s more complicated than that, but as a demonstration, it’s
okay) A: “Because of all those, KV-85 was the only vehicle that was in a way
mass produced and fighting.”
为啥 KV-85 是用“KV-85”的名称而不是“KV-122”?A:“因为 KV-85 是唯一有实际量
- Q: “Remove the 25 percent RNG for the sake of cybersports!” A (SerB): “
Stop whining already.”
- it seems the IS-7 model is now alright in the 3rd iteration of the test
三测中的 IS-7 终于正确了
- apparently, the top of the hangar UI is final for 9.3 the way it is (the
gold, credits, XP part will not be changed)
9.3 车库界面已经定稿
- the 90mm gun HESH/HEAT/HE ammo setup on T49 is historical, that gun did not
fire AP shells
T49 LT 的 90砲弹药种类(HESH/HEAT/HE)符合史实,真的没有穿甲弹
- the reason the clan tags are changed on test server is because of
Stronghold mode
- Storm on the new hangar UI being more comfortable than the old one: “Yes,
that’s why we made the new version. Based on results of may tests it appears
to be better when it comes to being comprehensive and comfortable. What you
described is only you being used to the old one and nothing more.”
- allegedly, Evilly said on a meeting with players in Belarus that developers
do not want to give out free FV4202 as a premium vehicle, there will be a
grinding mission to get it however (the way IS-6/Super Pershing were given
据说 FV4202 不会免费直接送了,你要完成任务才能拿到
- neither Havok nor massive rebalance of vehicles was promised for 9.3
9.3 不会实装 Havok 引擎,也不会有大量车辆更动
- the “ground hole” on Ruinberg map was fixed in 9.3
Ruinberg 的地面裂缝会在 9.3 被修正
- in 9.3, Chaffee XP compersation will not be awarded as free XP (it will be
tied to the Chaffee)
- destroyed transmission and engine will not count towards “assist damage”
bonus (as when you destroy the tracks)
- it’s possible that IS-7 will have the pintle-mounted machinegun returned,
but it’s not certain
可能会把 IS-7 头顶的那根机枪座重新立起来,但还不确定
- apparently, account transfers are not that difficult to implement, but
permanent transfer options were never really discussed