- Storm confirms that the entire set of vehicle models in the game will be
reworked to HD (there won’t be a special non-HD client)
Storm 证实所有车都会被HD化
- the HD tanks are not textured as dirty from mud, because it would look
weird on winter maps
HD 车辆并未在表皮档案内建附着泥土的痕迹,因为这在冬季地图里会看起来很怪
- no plans for changes of the gold ammo for credits mechanism
- camo looking weird on HD models? “Everything is the way it was before”
HD 车辆的迷彩看起来很怪?“我们啥都没动”
- IS-7 will not be reworked to HD in 9.3
IS-7 不会在 9.3 HD化
- Storm confirms that the new 9.3 light tanks will come straight away as HD
(some Russian player was claiming the tanks are in SD in videos)
9.3 出的轻坦会是 HD 版(俄服玩家说影片中的模型是低画质版的)
- according to SerB, WT E-100 is not the worst thing invented by Germans,
they had even weirder tanks (SS: of course it isn’t, since Germans didn’t
invent it, WG did)
SerB 表示,WT E-100 并不是德国发明过最差的车,他们有更怪的。
(SS: 当然不是,因为这些怪车都是WG制造局出品的)
就为了翻这最后一条!SS GJ!