- Q: “Why did the developers stop making teaser videos to come out before
patches?” A (SerB): “How terrible”
- T32 will not be buffed (“it’s a nice heavy”)
T32 不会被 buff
- players are reporting all sorts of UI issues with 9.2 – the answer is the
same: “delete old mods” (SS: and the answer on RU forums proves time and
time again to be correct, judging from the reactions)
9.2 玩家们回报一大堆界面问题;得到的回复还是那句:“删掉旧模组”(SS: 在俄服讨
- tank profitability (credit making ability) was not nerfed in 9.2
9.2 没砍赚钱系数
- nerfed gold shells for FV215b (183) were sold for their purchase price for
credits in 9.2
FV215b (183) 的金弹因为被砍,WG用原价银币买回(译者:真的?)
- T71 wasn’t “stealth nerfed” in 0.9.2
没偷砍 T71
- developers are aware that patch 0.9.2 caused lags, they are working on
their fix (SS: it is unclear whether this is related to the issue the 9.2
caused on RU server and that did not appear on EU or US servers, but looking
at timestamps, it should be related to ongoing issues)
9.2 有 lag 的问题,正在修(SS: 不确定是不是只有俄服,美、欧服都没灾情)
as you probably know, one of the largest game expo’s, Gamescom, is starting
soon. One of our readers was invited to the WG party afterwards, where he
will have the option of asking developer(s) some questions. He asked me to
publish that you can send him the questions at his e-mail and he will try to
have them answered. The e-mail is nomo2010@hotmail.de
Gamescom 快开幕了,而其中一位 FTR 的读者有被 WG 邀请去开趴;届时会有机会问开发
- Storm states that it’s pointless to look closely the T-34-85M (leaked tier
6) characteristics, it’s from first round of supertesting, there will be two
or three more rounds when the characteristics change and the parameters
change even after tests
Storm 表示对流出的 T-34-85M 数据斤斤计较是无意义的,它才刚进第一回超测还有得改
- it’s possible that the T-34-85M armor is more or less final according to
Storm, there could still be some bugs in it though
T-34-85M 的装甲也可能变动,因为目前有错误
- Evilly admits that they fucked up the anniversary hangar, it should be
fixed and returned soon (SS: haven’t checked, is it back yet?)
Evilly 承认周年纪念车库搞了个大飞机(译者:会穿墙的飞机…),修好后会重新推出
- regarding the earlier tier 5 KV-1S leak – the HD model for KV-1S is not
ready and so the model that was leaked was the old one, modified to carry
only the historical guns.
之前流出的五阶 KV-1S 照片是旧版本;HD 本尚未完工,只会装史实砲
- new fun-mode (like the soccer was) will come this year
- in the current version of observer mode, it’s pointless to follow
artillery, since you won’t see where it is aiming