The following lines require at least general knowledge of how the spotting che
ck system works – if you don’t know that, please read it on WoTwiki (it’s q
uite complicated).
- the most important thing is that the developers are reworking the Bigworld s
potting check rays tracing system on the server, the plan is that this will in
crease the performance of the system a lot, which will in turn allow the serve
r to make the visibility checks every “tick” (cycle) at all distances and it
will allow the developers to increase the amount of spotting check points on
a tank (SS: this means that tanks at longer distances will no longer have the
“between spotting checks” advantage, it means spotting at longer distances w
ill become easier)
- the “tanks disappearing in the middle of a field” effect will be removed.
The increased camouflage coefficients after stopping shooting and stopping the
vehicle (SS: as in, the tank is harder to spot when it doesn’t shoot or when
it stops) will be removed in cases where the tank is in your view range and i
s not covered by obstacles (SS: as in, when you get spotted while driving in t
he open field and stop the vehicle, the reduced camouflage factor (moving redu
ces your camo) changes to “camo when standing” (unreduced) and the tank can
“disappear” if it stops in the zone where the moving camo allows it to be sp
otted but the standing camo doesn’t – this will not happen anymore)
- a spotting check point for spots after shooting will be made at the end of t
he gun barrel, which means that you will have to hide barrels that are stickin
g out of the bushes when firing
- draw distance will be changed from 1000*1000 square to a 565 meter radius ci
The ETA on these changes is, as usual, “when it’s done it’s done”, Storm a
dds that the circle viewrange is the closest of all these changes.