[情报] 6/1 Q&A

楼主: WillieHuang (Willie)   2014-06-02 01:08:57
- apparently there is a rare random bug, where when you put full cruise
control forward, the tank starts going backwards, Storm states he hasn’t
heard of this bug
有个罕见且随机出现的错误:当前进档开到顶的时候车子反而后退;Storm 表示他还没听
- the are no plans for now to rework the tank damage system (SS: a player is
complaining for example about full damage penetrations of commander copula
没打算重制伤害系统。(SS: 有人在抱怨被打车长塔不应满伤之类的)
- more complex (different?) damage system could appear in some form of
hardcore mode, but Storm states that in WG internally there is no agreement
on such a mode (SS: as in, no plans for now)
更复杂的伤害系统可能在硬派模式中出现,但 Storm 表示连要不要做这模式都未获 WG 内
部认同。(SS: 目前免肖想)
- tier 8 tank MM will not be modified (SS: some player was complaining that
tier 8′s get too much in battles with tier 10′s and so on)
不会更改八阶车的分房。(SS: 有人在抱怨碰到太多十阶车之类的)
- no plans to buff T28 and T95
没打算 buff T28 和 T95。
- the fact that Soviet gun S-54, S-54S and several US 76mm guns have
different gold and silver ammo damage is a mistake, it will be fixed
苏联 S-54、S-54S 主砲以及几门美国 76mm 主砲的金弹和银弹伤害值不同,这是错误,会
- after battletier 12 was removed, Storm currently considers the MM situation
as normal (SS: some player wanted to remove battletier 11 as well, this will
not happen)
十二阶场移除后,Storm 认为目前的分房是正常的。(SS: 有人希望把十一阶场也废掉,
- the 9.1 Test 2 sound volume is the same as in 9.0
9.1 二测的音量会跟 9.0 相同。
- Storm states that the drop in online playerbase on RU server is the same as
last year, it is influenced by the start of holidays and good weather (SS: as
in, no real drop due to War Thunder)
Storm 表示今年俄服的玩家人数下滑量跟去年相同,主因是假期开始以及天气转好。
(SS: 也就是说,跟 WT 陆战公测没啥关系)(译者:这两款玩法差异很大…)
- Q: “What are you planning to do with too many TD’s on tier 10?” A: “
Nothing. Such cases (SS: as in, a player showed a screenie with like 8 TDs in
each team) are not systemic. (SS: as in too common) We will balance
individual vehicles.”
Q:“十阶 TD 太多的问题你们打算怎么解决?”A:“(两手一摊)这状况并未系统性地发
- there will not be a “global rebalance of all vehicles” – there will be
changes, but not “global ones”
- tank rebalances will come “when it’s done it’s done”, and “no promises


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