[情报] 5/18 19 Q&A

楼主: WillieHuang (Willie)   2014-05-20 03:03:40
- there will be new historical battles and balance changes in HB in 9.1,
definitely at least one new historical battle
9.1 会有新的史实战斗舞台(至少一个),以及史实战斗专用的平衡参数
- current maps are made by the same people like the earlier maps, only the
map department leadership changed
- developers are considering nerfing FV304
开发人员正考虑砍 FV304
- Q: “Why do you always nerf the vehicle, that is the favourite one of a lot
of players?” A: “‘Favourite’ vehicle always means an imbalanced vehicle.
Proven numerous times.”
- the idea to have garage battles and alternative hulls was not scrapped
On the topic of historical battles:
- Q: “Change historical battles not by removing hitpoints, but only stop
displaying them” A: “Why, so the player doesn’t know what’s going on?”
- apparently some historical battles will be changed, some will stay
- the removed historical battles might return
- special tank stats for historical battles are supposed to solve HB balance
- Storm confirms that each tank will have two sets of stats, one for random,
one for HB
Storm 证实车辆会有两套数据,一套是HB专用,另一套是一般用
- Storm admits that the lack of people playing HB is a real problem
Storm 承认太少人玩HB是个大问题。
- special maps for HB? Storm: “To make special maps only for several percent
of players is not very profitable”
HB 专用地图?Storm:“为少数玩家玩的模式出专用地图不合成本。”
- regarding the argument that only a few percent of players can play on
maximum graphics, yet these are made anyway: “Graphics sell the game”
- developers scrapped the idea of having historical battles with pre-set
setups (for example 1 Tiger, 1 Ferdinand etc.) because the waiting times
would be even worse than it is now
- fixing historical battles by having the players choose only battle and
nation (not the tank, that would be assigned randomly) is also not an option,
players would not be happy playing the worst tank on the battlefield
- methods that worked during late WoT beta/early WoT release do not work now,
as the percentage of tank fans amongst the players was significantly higher
than it is now
WoT 初期的可用的方法现在不再可行了;当初玩家中的战车爱好者比例远高于现况。
- developers did not expect more than 3-4 percent of players to play
historical battles, Storm states that this was always a goal, making the mode
for a few percent of players
开发者预计只有 3~4% 的玩家玩HB,Storm 表示本来的目标就是做出几趴玩家在玩的模式
- MM filling the HB teams “from bottom up” (lowtier tanks first) would not
solve balancing issues, because there are no lowtier tanks in the queue anyway
- developers didn’t try to crossbreed team battles and historical battles
- Q: “Why don’t you add special missions with a special tank reward to
historical battles?” A: “That’s an one-time incentive, you do it once and
you forget.”
- assault mode is played by several millions of players
- hardcore historical battle simulator – noone would play that
- Storm admits that even “real” tank characteristics in random battles
aren’t always historical
Storm 承认车辆系数,即使有实车也一样,不一定是史实的。
- Storm states that there are almost no bad maps in the game anymore, all of
them were fixed so they are playable
Storm 表示现在游戏里已几乎没有烂地图了,都已修改到可玩的程度。
- Storm confirms the premium Valentine changes leaked earlier today – the
armor will be nerfed to 8.11 level because in 9.0 someone overbuffed it
Storm 证实 ValentineⅡ(USSR T4 LT(P))会被砍回 8.11 版的状态
- roaming has been postponed for now
- tank descriptions on minimap will come “it’s done when it’s done”
- the mod that exists and does the tank descriptions on minimap is “terrible
unoptimized – we have to start from scratch”
- dynamic tank characteristics in hangar (based on what modules you have
installed) will come this year
- test 9.1 will be in May (SS: possibly this week)
9.1 测试服会在五月上线(SS: 可能是本周)

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