[WP8 ] 925&1020休眠唤不醒即将修正?

楼主: t77133562003 (我是一只山羊)   2014-11-24 20:07:58
Nokia Lumia 925 and 1020 have a WP8.1 freezing bug, but a solution is on the
答案揭晓了 之前休眠换不醒
要软开机才能用 果然是8.1的问题
I’m sorry we’ve been dark – I work closely with the Lumia engineering
team that’s working directly on this. Trying to shed a little light on this…
Beginning in early September we started to receive an increased number of
customer feedback regarding Microsoft Lumia 1020 and 925 device freezes.
During the last two months we have been reaching out for more and more data
and devices to systematically reproduce and narrow down the root cause. It
turned out to be a power regulator logic failure where in combination with
multiple reasons the device fails to power up the CPU and peripherals after
idling into a deep sleep state.
I am pleased to pass on that we have a fix candidate under validation
which we expect to push out the soon with the next SW update!
Appreciate your patience.
在更新之前要避免这样的问题再发生 他有提供3个方法
Disable your lock screen password.
Setting the Glace screen to 30 second interval
On the lock screen settings page, setting Show Detailed Status to None.
作者: oxyo (亚希儿)   2014-11-24 20:41:00
“锁定画面”、“扫视画面”= =请不要自创名词
作者: xietwtw (noah)   2014-11-24 20:51:00
920也有欸 有没有要修啊~
作者: bokunotameni (拉拉林)   2014-11-24 21:25:00
作者: Ricrollp (J.M.M.)   2014-11-24 21:26:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2014-11-24 21:56:00
925 8.1 DP 最近稳了不少说xd....
作者: snowcoat (excess)   2014-11-24 22:46:00
因为这问题送修 结果又帮我换了张板子...
作者: SakeruMT (天桥说书)   2014-11-24 23:02:00
作者: Lumia625 (改拿Nexus 5X了)   2014-11-24 23:08:00
作者: Lumia925 (Lumia)   2014-11-24 23:32:00
作者: Ricrollp (J.M.M.)   2014-11-24 23:56:00
coming sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon
作者: charlie20083 (查理)   2014-11-25 00:04:00
感觉8X没有这些有的没有的功能 Bug少了好多 真爽(?
作者: trleee (小孟)   2014-11-25 08:59:00
现在920除了萤幕偶尔会闪烁 其他就觉得还好不过频率算低所以也懒得修... 真不知道是硬件还是软件问题
作者: MichaelKiske (Dr. Stein..............)   2014-11-25 09:04:00
等Denim等到快睡着了,微软可不可以不要再给电信商主导更新了阿…美国那边连Verizon都还没推Cyan XDDD
作者: wrytus (谜之隐士)   2014-11-25 10:44:00
925 8.1最低常常当机 而且超耗电 快受不了了 难得说支持一下WP 要不然要回去支持苹果了
作者: felaray (傲娇鱼)   2014-11-25 10:59:00
作者: dada90120 (dada90120)   2014-11-25 19:35:00
作者: Lumial020 (洨美工)   2014-11-25 23:41:00
...我之前就说这8.1系统是没准备好的啦鸡还被喷手机坏自己修不好 哭哭
楼主: t77133562003 (我是一只山羊)   2014-11-26 00:21:00
http://tinyurl.com/llbane2 补一下其他家的文章微软坦承1020&925有昏睡病XD
作者: snowcoat (excess)   2014-11-26 07:41:00
看完这篇没多久 我的1020又睡着了 跟主人一样好眠 XDDDD
作者: cam   2014-11-26 09:35:00
作者: picupcelfon (月透)   2014-11-29 08:36:00

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