[App ] Age of Empires: Castle Siege 更新

楼主: TrueX67 (夏日的季节)   2014-11-12 12:01:15
App 名称:Age of Empires: Castle Siegec
类型:游戏 / 策略 + 模拟
Key changes:
- Fixed an occasional crash loading into the tutorial battle.
- Fixed miscellaneous network errors.
- Fixed miscellaneous crashes.
- Longbowmen have been stripped of their wall-busting ammunition and now must
break down walls like everyone else—with hard work and siege engines.
- Adjustments to the Acre Campaign to bring its difficulty back in line with
the rest of the campaigns.
- Army Camps under construction no longer display scaffolding when the castle
is attacked.
- Scaffolding will now be visible where appropriate when visiting another
player’s castle.
- Resolved an issue where if storage structures finished upgrading while you
were away in battle, the pre-battle value would be used to determine your
storage cap, potentially resulting in lost resources.
- Fixed a bug where network disconnections while routing troops would result
in the troops not acting for the remainder of the battle.
- Fixed a bug where cycling through many opponents during matchmaking would
cause a network disconnection.
- Crossbow tower is now accurately listed as Short range.
- Joan of Arc’s Convert ability now properly states that troops are
converted for the duration of combat.
- Conrad the Elder’s displayed stats now reflect Conrad himself and not his
mighty siege tower.
- Pennant icon updated in locations where it represents a collection of
multiple pennant types.
- Resolved miscellaneous issues with Hero icons highlighting improperly.
- Fixed a bug where routing large numbers of siege weapons could lead to a
- Hero tutorial tips will no longer be shown for Campaign battles.
- Patrolling units no longer get stuck in the Keep when changing
- Battle timer will now properly display the time remaining if the pre-battle
countdown runs out before any troops are deployed.
- Added es-MX as a supported language and locale.
- Achievements earned on Windows 8 should now properly be awarded when logging
in on a Windows Phone device.
- Unwatched replays are now marked as such.
- Player names (attacker and defender) are now displayed while watching a
- After watching a replay from the battle log, you will be returned to the
battle log screen.
- Fixed an error that could cause total percentage to be incorrect in replays.
- Gold collection from Keep now works like all other resource gathering.
- Fixes to Russian text improperly overlapping objects on certain screens.
- Tweaks to mouse wheel scroll behavior on the battle log.
- Fixed issues with costs displaying in the incorrect color after purchasing
- Fixed an occasional issue with structures hopping back and forth
indecisively while moving them around.
- Fixed a bug where cancelling a troop build that gave you more resources
than you could hold would lead to a crash.
- New icons for Gold offers in the Marketplace.
- Additional support for more international currency symbols.
- Fixes to certain currencies where the total amounts could get truncated.
- Added support for links in the News section.
- Miscellaneous loading screen adjustments.
- 修正许多导致游戏异常的问题。
- 调整了些兵种能力和平衡设定。
- 新增了许多更有趣的游戏内容等您来发掘。
作者: joe7254445 (艾乔斯)   2014-11-12 12:06:00
作者: vinmo (小强)   2014-11-12 12:14:00
作者: thedeathhero (不眠者)   2014-11-12 12:39:00
前期比起CC 个人觉得是更加强调掠夺的重要性Y
作者: foolwind (废人...废样...)   2014-11-12 12:55:00
只用手机玩的人 想达成全成就 AGE5之前要狂打其他玩家AGE5之后要赢要靠控兵 手机根本没办法控AGE1-4只要有1只英雄加2-30只剑兵 基本上都可以攻下对方
作者: ammor (欸幕喔阿)   2014-11-12 13:01:00
作者: marco79811 (梅山小栗旬)   2014-11-12 13:22:00
作者: vinmo (小强)   2014-11-12 13:33:00
作者: Lusmall (噜丝摸)   2014-11-12 15:21:00
作者: lcew (茳茳咸草)   2014-11-12 16:20:00
作者: EdwardYL (@@)   2014-11-12 16:56:00
这是不是类似iOS的game of world?
作者: Kelunyang (可伦)   2014-11-12 18:02:00
作者: eightduo (honch)   2014-11-12 18:21:00
楼主: TrueX67 (夏日的季节)   2014-11-12 18:34:00
有的 打开alliance 输入Taiwan可以找到不少没玩过GoW 不过应该差不多吧!!远距部队血薄 一没看到藏匿很好的投石塔就只有一个字可以形容当时的心情…………
作者: biore0330 (等待放晴)   2014-11-12 18:48:00
作者: bl1978 (好人)   2014-11-12 19:06:00
感谢分享 马上下载安装^^
作者: lee79114 (windflute)   2014-11-12 21:28:00
这次改版长弓兵被改弱了 不太好用公会可以加Taiwanese是 01上创的公会 有讨论区
作者: salvador1988 (Mr.Owl)   2014-11-12 21:29:00
作者: gtguy ( )   2014-11-12 21:58:00
作者: wiabc (cbaiw)   2014-11-12 22:20:00
pennants要怎么藏@@ 每次打别人都只掉100以下,我被打一次都少300....
作者: enlil (落日)   2014-11-13 00:20:00
作者: KengC (KengC)   2014-11-13 00:22:00
Age 7 东西都贵到爆 全都 250K 275K 350K 以上 怎么存阿...
作者: TaipeiKindom (微软基本教义激进份子)   2014-11-13 02:12:00
我皇冠一千 加入Taiwan发现都是嫩逼 就退出了我发现一个无脑必胜打法 有空再来分享一下我原本皇冠800,改版后怎么打都输 掉到剩400 ,后来想出这无脑必胜法 一个星期皇冠冲回1000每次出兵就是满满满的资源入袋 几乎没在缺资源
作者: gtguy ( )   2014-11-13 07:49:00
作者: vinmo (小强)   2014-11-13 08:21:00
作者: jsifl (宁缺勿滥)   2014-11-13 13:43:00
跪求无脑打法XD 升上5之后一直被抢:'(
作者: KengC (KengC)   2014-11-13 16:11:00
晚上用之前累积的金币 硬上了 Lv7 的兵营跟特种部队 五天跟四天的建造时间 可以悠闲一阵子
作者: lee79114 (windflute)   2014-11-13 18:07:00
试过用48只绿色弓兵 绕围墙一圈打 轻松50% 还不用控兵
作者: picupcelfon (月透)   2014-11-13 19:58:00
作者: TaipeiKindom (微软基本教义激进份子)   2014-11-13 22:08:00
啊 已经有人说了↑
作者: hoyunxian (WildDagger)   2014-11-13 22:14:00
作者: TaipeiKindom (微软基本教义激进份子)   2014-11-13 22:20:00
作者: wiabc (cbaiw)   2014-11-13 22:50:00
楼主: TrueX67 (夏日的季节)   2014-11-13 23:00:00
还不错也 5秒内绕着外墙迅速放完53队大概30秒可以拆到50% 搭配英雄扫雷拆墙运气好可以顺便全冲城堡 再赚一颗这战术非常适合手机 用鼠标还没这么好点把画面缩到可以看到整个城 外围顺时针点一圈资源较丰厚的区域可以多放几队在这前务必搭配英雄扫雷http://imgur.com/BmTWqnU 绕一圈http://imgur.com/PO4ZYOp 打缺口http://imgur.com/tKZenWH 满50%冲主堡越方正且砲塔集中在城堡的 越适合这个战术感谢大大们提供 赚$$$去~ 进攻http://imgur.com/3WsVoEW 即使没扫雷也还ok有扫就少损失些
作者: KengC (KengC)   2014-11-14 01:32:00
登入发现最快的建筑还要一天半 放假去 哈哈
作者: Morimilmil (软包)   2014-11-14 17:49:00
应该没有人比我方正了…这场是搞笑36只黄兵@A@ http://imgur.com/ukYTpOS连结怎么分尸了…http://imgur.com/ukYTpOS
作者: lcew (茳茳咸草)   2014-11-15 04:47:00
Taiwanese 满了不能加QQ对啊,长弓兵只要数量够多根本挡不住…sad
楼主: TrueX67 (夏日的季节)   2014-11-17 15:36:00
超惨..昨天打太凶 用这个战术花完所有金币连刷今天上班没玩 连续被破千皇冠的反击.........

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