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作者: hn9480412 (ilinker) 看板: PC_Shopping
标题: [情报] 微软将停止透过Win7/8.1序号升级至Win10/11
时间: Fri Sep 29 01:18:15 2023
Microsoft's free upgrade offer for Windows 10 / 11 ended July 29, 2016. The installation path to obtain the Windows 7 / 8 free upgrade is now removed as well. Upgrades to Windows 11 from Windows 10 are still free.
To upgrade to Windows 11, devices must meet the Windows 11 minimum system requirements. Some Windows 10 features aren't available in Windows 11. System requirements to experience some Windows 11 features and apps will exceed the Windows 11 minimum system requirements. Find Windows 11 specs, features, and computer requirements.
就字面上的意思就是说微软将停止Windows 7和8.1透过升级的方式更新至Windows 10和
Windows 11
外媒Neowin用虚拟机测试在Windows 11 Canary通道下尝试使用Windows 7/8.1的金钥启用
时就会出现金钥无法启用的讯息。虽然RTM版本的Windows 11还是可以透过7/8.1的金钥启
不过微软表示还是可以使用Windows 10的金钥来启用Windows 11
不知道对使用Windows 7/8.1更新至Windows 10后且绑数位授权的金钥会有什么影响