CTHsieh (唸书 ?~.~? 唸书)
2014-08-04 09:36:09资料来源: 任天堂美国网站 Support Home > Wii U > Article
翻译连结: http://ppt.cc/9QXW
Wii U to Wii U System Transfer FAQ and Overview
两台Wii U间的移转相关问答以及概论
Applies to: Wii U Deluxe, Wii U Basic
适用机器为 Wii U Deluxe版 以及 Wii U Basic 版
The Wii U to Wii U system transfer feature, implemented with the system
update released July 21st, 2014, allows you to transfer content from one
Wii U to another Wii U. Content from the source console, including any
users, Nintendo Network IDs, save data, and digital content, will replace
that on the target console.
两台Wii U间的移转的功能于2014/07/21发布的更新实现, 允许你移转资料由一台
Wii U转移到另一台Wii U.
所有来源的内容, 包含任何的使用者, NNIDs, 存盘, 以及数位内容, 将取代目标
As part of the system transfer process:
‧All content from a Wii U must be transferred. You cannot transfer just
a single user or Nintendo Network ID through this process
此步骤中, 所有Wii U的内容都会被移转, 你不能只移转其中的一个使用者或NNID
‧All content on the target Wii U will be lost when the console is formatted
and then replaced by the content from the source Wii U, with the exception
of Wii Menu content (which will be merged), Internet connection settings,
TV settings, Wii U GamePad TV Remote settings, and Wii Remote and Wii U
GamePad pairing
所有在移转目的的 Wii U 主机内容于格式化时将被抹除, 然后被来源 Wii U 主机的
内容所取代, 除了底下几项: Wii 的选单内容(将被合并), 网络连接设置, 电视设置
, Wii U GamePad 远端电视遥控设定, 以及配对的 Wii Remote 跟 Wii U GamePad设
‧The source Wii U will be formatted once the transfer is complete
来源 Wii U 主机一旦在移转结束后将被格式化
‧Nintendo Network IDs that previously existed on the target Wii U can be
relinked after the transfer [How to]
先前存在于目标 Wii U 主机的 NNIDs 将可转让并重新连结
‧If these Nintendo Network IDs are relinked, content purchased by them
on the target Wii U will become available for download. The save data
for IDs that previously existed on the target system will be deleted
as part of the system transfer process, and any USB Storage devices
that were previously used will need to be formatted to work with the
Wii U again
如果这些 NNIDs 被重新连结, 这些帐号的购买内容将可在(编按:应该是指重新
连结 NNIDs 后的)目标 Wii U 主机上下载.
原先在目标系统(编按:应该是指资料移转时的目标Wii U主机)帐号的存盘内容
因为移转过程中的部分流程被删除, 而任何先前使用得 USB 储存装置必须先被
格式化以后才能再被(其他) Wii U 主机使用
‧There is a limit of 12 Nintendo Network IDs that can be linked to a
single Wii U at one time
一台 Wii U 主机一次最多有 12个 NNIDs 的连结限制.
‧Wii Menu digital content is transferred, but it is not deleted from the
target Wii U. Wii Menu digital content from both consoles will be combined
Wii 选单的数位内容被移转, 但是目标 Wii U 的并未被删除.
两台主机的 Wii 选单的数位内容将被合并.
For detailed instructions on how to perform a Wii U to Wii U transfer,
click here.
更详细的介绍如何执行Wii U主机间的移转请点选底下连结.
Q: What do I need to complete the transfer?
问: 我需要什么来完成资料移转?
A: In order to complete a system transfer, the following items are needed:
答: 为了完成系统移转, 需要下列项目:
‧Both the source and target Wii U consoles. Each will need to be present,
set up, and fully updated, and each will need a working Wii U GamePad
paired to the console.
来源以及目标 Wii U 主机. 每一台都必须良好, 可设定, 并完全更新, 且每个都
必须有配对可用的 Wii U GamePad
‧An SD Card with enough room to hold all system and save data from the
source Wii U. Software data will be redownloaded once the transfer is
complete, so the SD Card only needs to be large enough for system and
save data.
SD卡的容量必须够大能够容纳所有来源 Wii U 主机的系统档以及资料存盘.
软件档案可在资料移转后再重新下载, 因此SD卡的容量只需要够大能容纳系统档
‧A television for the initial setup of each Wii U; however, it is not needed
to complete the transfer process. All prompts for the transfer process are
on the Wii U GamePad.
每台 Wii U 初始设定需要电视; 但无论如何, 要完成资料转移的过程中, 它(编按:
指电视)并非必需的. 所有传输过程的提示都在 Wii U GamePad 中.
‧A network connection that allows both Wii U consoles to be connected
网络连线环境必须可允许两台 Wii U 主机同时连结于网络上.
‧If Wii Menu content exists on either console, a Wii Remote or Wii Remote
Plus is required.
如果两者中有任何一台主机存在 Wii 选单内容, 那么 Wii Remote 或是 Wii Remote
Plus 是必须的.
‧If transferring from a Wii U Deluxe Set (32 GB) to a Wii U Basic Set (8 GB)
, a USB storage device may be required if you have more data on the Wii U
Deluxe Set than the Wii U Basic Set can save to its internal memory.
假如资料移转是从Wii U Deluxe Set (32 GB) 到 Wii U Basic Set (8 GB) 时,
USB储存装置可能是必须的, 假如你的Wii U Deluxe Set内部储存资料比Wii U Basic
Set (8 GB)多时.
Q: What if I don't have my old Wii U?
问: 假如我没有我的旧 Wii U 主机的话, 该怎么办?
A: In order to perform a Wii U to Wii U system transfer, both Wii U consoles
will need to be present. If your source console is no longer available,
please contact us for support.
答: 完成两台 Wii U 系统间的转换, 两台主机都必须是良好可运作的. 如果你的来源
主机已经无法使用, 请联络我们请求支援.
Q: Can I use this feature to transfer a single Nintendo Network ID from a
source Wii U that contains multiple Nintendo Network IDs onto a new
Wii U?
问: 我可以移转来源 Wii U 主机中多个NNIDs中的其中一个到新的主机吗?
A: No. You cannot select to transfer a single Nintendo Network ID. If you
perform a Wii U to Wii U system transfer it will transfer all users to
the target Wii U. If you would like to transfer a single Nintendo Network
ID, please contact us for support.
答: 不行, 你不能选择其中一个NNID移转. 如果你执行两台 Wii U 系统间的转换, 他将
移转所有来源主机的使用者到目的Wii U主机. 假设您有移转单一NNID的需求, 请联
Q: What happens to the save data on the target Wii U?
问: 原先目的主机内的存盘会如何?
A: Save data originally created on the target Wii U will no longer be
available after the system transfer is completed, even if it is stored
on a USB device.
答: 原先目的主机内的存盘将在资料移转完成后, 变成不能使用, 即使你把这些存盘储
(编按: 推测存盘有加密, 当目的主机被格式化并取代后加密密码自然消失而变成
Q: What happens to Nintendo Network IDs on the target Wii U?
问: 原先目的主机内的NNIDs会如何?
A: Nintendo Network IDs on the target Wii U become unlinked from the system,
not deleted. This means they can be relinked to the target Wii U after
the transfer has been completed. [How to]
答: 原先目的主机内的NNIDs在系统中变成unlinked, 并不会被删除. 这意味着它们可以
Q: What happens to funds on the target Wii U?
问: 原先目的主机内的余额会如何?
A: Nintendo eShop funds on the target system will be available if the Nintendo
Network ID holding the funds is re-linked after the transfer is complete.
Funds in Wii Menu will be combined with any funds from the source console.
答: 原先目的主机内的Nintendo eShop余额于资料移转结束完成之后, 重新连结到目的主
机时可使用. Wii 选单内的余额则会和来源主机的任何余额合并.
Q: Will I need to redownload content on the target Wii U after the transfer
has been completed?
问: 移转过程结束后, 我需要重新在目标Wii U主机上重新下载资料吗?
A: During the system transfer process, any content that was downloaded on
the source Wii U will be added to Download Manager on the target Wii U.
This means it will be queued to download automatically after the transfer
has been completed. The maximum number of queued downloads is 64. Any
excess downloads will need to be downloaded by adding them from the
Nintendo eShop.
答: 在移转资料的过程中, 任何来源Wii U主机的下载内容会被加到目的Wii U主机的
下载管理选单. 这意味着资料移转后它们会自动伫列下载. 伫列下载的最大数量
是64. 任何多余的下载将必须(编按: 应该是指要手动下载, 如果数量超过64的
话)从Nintendo eShop加入下载.
Q: Is there more specific information on what is and is not transferred?
问: 有没有更多详细的资料有关于那些被移转那些没被移转?
A: A more detailed list can be found here.
答: 更详细的列表可于底下连结检视:
Q: What happens to my Deluxe Digital Promotion after a system transfer?
问: 系统移转后, 豪华版的数位促销方案会变得如何?
A: After the system transfer, all previously earned points will be available.
You will still be eligible for the Deluxe Digital Promotion after the
system transfer if the target console is a Wii U Deluxe Set.
答: 系统移转后, 先前赚得的点数将还存在. 如果你移转的目标主机仍然是豪华版的
Wii U, 那么系统移转后, 仍可享有豪华版的数位促销方案.
If you have questions regarding what the Deluxe Digital Promotion is or how
it works, more information can be found at https://p.nintendo.net/deluxe/.
如果你对豪华版的数位促销方案有疑问或它如何运作, 更多的讯息详见:
Q: Is a Nintendo Network ID required to perform the transfer?
问: 资料移转需要NNID吗?
A: A Nintendo Network ID is required on the source Wii U but not on the
target Wii U.
答: NNID对于来源Wii U主机是必须的, 但对于目标Wii U主机为非必须.
Q: If I was using a USB Storage Device on the source Wii U, will I be able
to use it on the target Wii U after the transfer has been completed?
问: 假如我在来源Wii U主机上使用USB储存装置, 那么在资料移转之后, 我可以将它
使用于目标Wii U主机上吗?
A: Yes. After the Wii U to Wii U system transfer has been completed, simply
connect your USB Storage Device to the target Wii U console. All save data,
game data, and update data on the USB Storage Device will be available.
答: 是的. Wii U主机之间的资料移转之后, 只要简简单单的把USB储存装置接上目标主
机. 所有USB储存装置的存盘, 游戏资料, 以及更新资料将可使用.