楼妈个人第六张专辑《The Glorification of Sadness》释出,
喜欢第十一首歌名的直率 XD,
还没完整听完,但从全碟每首 30 秒试听判断诚意十足,
这回灵感大部分来自与十年伴侣 Leyman Lahcine 的分道扬镳,
1. Sweatpants
2. Pressure (feat. Kojey Radical)
3. God in a Dress
4. How You Leave a Man
5. There's Nothing More Human Than Failure
6. Bad Woman
7. Cry on the Dance Floor
8. Say My Name
9. Let It Ride
10. The Big Bang Ending
11. Eat Shit and Die
12. Divorce
13. Hate When You're Happy
14. Enjoy Yourself
15. I Am Enough
16. Mirror to Mirror
17. Already Broken