yanping (Bsyal)
2018-10-19 00:41:22Live album / concert film / documentary out Dec 7
还是对于2017年能看到Coldplay 在台湾的演唱会,那种兴奋跟感动的回忆印在脑里,喜
到底会不会看得痛哭流涕,fix you我真的不行。
Good evening. Following last week’s announcement of the A Head Full Of Dreams
film, we can now report that the documentary will be released alongside a new
live album and concert film on December 7, on CD, DVD, vinyl and digital.
The combined live album / live concert film release – also known as the Butte
rfly package – features the Live In Buenos Aires album, recorded on 15 Novemb
er 2017 – the final night of the A Head Full Of Dreams Tour. The 24 track aud
io set marks the first time that a Coldplay concert has been released in its e
The accompanying two hour concert film Live In S緌 Paulo was filmed a week ear
lier on 8 November 2017.
The Butterfly package is completed by the A Head Full Of Dreams documentary fi
lm, which charts Coldplay’s colourful 20 year history.
The full Butterfly package is available to pre-order now as a 2 x DVD / 2 x CD
set and a 2 x DVD / 3 x gold vinyl collection. A standalone 2 x CD edition of
the Live In Buenos Aires album is also available.