machinly (两个人的温度)
2016-10-11 08:06:36在经历过成员之一Chris Walla离团后,
Death Cab For Cutie近期准备发表新专辑Kintsugi
然而在这之前,他们先加入了 "30 Days, 30 Songs" 这个计画
这个计画就是从Oct. 10开始,每天找来一组歌手/乐团,发表一首歌。
首波推出的单曲就是由DCFC所写的讽刺Trump的"Million Dollars Loan"
Lyrically, “Million Dollar Loan” deals with a particularly tone deaf
moment in Donald Trump’s ascent to the Republican nomination.
While campaigning in New Hampshire last year,
he attempted to cast himself as a self-made man by claiming he built
his fortune with just a “small loan of a million dollars” from his father.
Not only has this statement been proven to be wildly untrue,
he was so flippant about it. It truly disgusted me.
Donald Trump has repeatedly demonstrated that he is unworthy of the
honor and responsibility of being President of the United States of America,
and in no way, shape or form represents what this country truly stands for.
He is beneath us.