SP新专辑Taking One For the Team最新一支MV
走一个很upbeat的复古风 跟我记忆中的SP不太一样(?)XD
MV的故事是1960年代版本的Simple Plan从签约到崛起的故事
The video is a love letter to one of our favourite movies of all time, "That
Thing You Do". It's about the exhilarating power that 3 chords, a drum beat
and a catchy melody can have on the lives of the people who create it. The
video takes you on the magical journey from rehearsing in a garage to playing
stadiums and topping the charts and the roller-coaster ride that is the music
industry: both exhilarating and extraordinary, heartbreaking and bittersweet.
虽然跟之前的SP风格不太一样 但我蛮喜欢这首的XD