WZ-120 IG FT 和 WZ-120 FT 的中国高阶TD,
WZ-120 IG FT (su12244/su12254既视感)
WZ-120 FT
过一段时间后 Anton "Evilly" Pankov 出面解释
TAP撰文者表示: 一则以喜一则以忧
*参考阅读: 一名网民提供的较为"符合史实"的TD线候选车辆
3/7 Q&A
Thanks to Vladimir for this translation.
Answers from Anton “Evilly” Pankov:
– Great solution to stuff everything on one server. RU6 died, you can’t go
to the others and do Stronghold battles there. The ingenuity of the solution
is incredible.
– If it is necessary, we’ll add other servers, currently it
will be like this for testing.
– Good day. A model of the T92 light tank was leaked. Will you put it in
the LT branch after the T71? I’m eagerly waiting for this tank.
– No, we won’t.
-你好啊,之前有 T92 轻坦的模型走漏出来,
你们会把它接在 T71 后面吗? 我等的花都谢了
– Are there approximate deadlines for the trade-in release with an
expansion of the available tanks? I want to swap two-three for more
comfortable ones.
– No deadlines yet, we’ll have to do some fixes there.
-有预计什么时候开放金车交换吗? 我想换个两三台用起来舒服点的车
– Will you ever fix minimizing the game and windowed mode?
– Yes, as soon as the fix is ready.
-你们有可能会去修最小化视窗跟视窗模式吗? (听起来像:你们他妈什么时候要修)
– When is the next ban wave? Or was this just for show, as usual?
– It’s in the works now.
-下一波锁帐什么时候来啊? 还是跟平常一样只是作作秀?
– Q1: When will you reveal the secret of the IS-4’s new feature?
Q2: It won’t be Anton revealing it, but Murazor, and if my theory is correct,
it will be swapping the places of IS-4 and ST-1,
since Murazor talked about this long ago.
– A: You are right, and yes, Murazor will tell about this.
-第一个人问: 你什么时候才要告诉我们有关IS-4的新花样?
热心民众: 这部分不会是Anton来说明的,而是Murazor,而且要是我推论正确,
– What about the Sheridan, the model is supposed to be changed, I hope you’
re not simply hanging it with some axes? [TN: i.e. some cosmetics]
– The hull will remain the prototype one with accessories.
– Hello, I have the Swedish crew from New Year’s event, but have the tier
10 TD with an own skilled crew, and don’t want to grind the Kranvagn. Will
there be a second branch of Swedish MT’s (they have a shit ton of Centurion
– We’ll only have one Swedish Centurion for now, the tier 8
premium. No plans for an MT branch yet.
– What is the difficulty to limit premium ammo for a tank’s loadout?
– Since before introducing such a change, we’d like to test it. If it appears
on Sandbox, it’s being considered, if not – then not.
– What about the mantlets of Conqueror, FV4502, Action X, Chieftain (T95),
why are they different?!
– I’ll talk to historians about this.
-那征服者、FV4502、百十、酋长(T95)的砲盾呢? 为什么它们不一样?
– When is the 3rd wave of bot hunting? Or do you think you’ve done your
– Soon.
-什么时候会有第三波机器人封杀? 还是你认为这样就够了?!
– Where is the [VK] 4503 which was in the shop on the test?
– Rescheduled.
-测试的时候还在商店的 VK4503 到哪去了?
– Will there be changes to personal missions like it was a year ago?
– Yes.
– What about server stability? Lags like shit… It’s funny how when the
game started, there was only 1 server which could withstand 1 million players
and didn’t lag, and now there are 10 and it’s still not enough.
– During the 1 million player count there were 4 or 5 servers.
-阿服务器的稳定度哩? Lag的要命...