scoMico (測試)
2016-11-27 01:01:59来源:https://goo.gl/eCzzlk
Recently WarGaming's COO Anton Pankov responded to a Q&A session on LiveJournal.
Many of these were repeats so we're giving the (very) short version:
-Expect articles and videos in the near future to explain the new overmatch mechanics coming in 9.17.
日后会有文章及影片来解释即将在9.17版实装新的口径压制机制 敬请期待
-Cross team chat is unlikely to ever be coming back. WG sees it as non-essential
全频不大可能会回来 WG 认为这功能并无必要
-There is a bug with gun stability and accuracy. It's being looked into.
目前已知炮控跟准度有bug 现正调查中
-(When asked about removing map restrictions for low tiers) "Why? Is seal-clubbing on the same map boring?"
(被问到能不能把低阶车的进图限制拿掉) "为什么? 在同一张地图虐菜很无聊吗?"
-Devs are taking feedback to improve the information on the new minimaps (clearly marking destructible objects, bushes, elevation changes etc.)
开发团队正在蒐集回馈资料来改良新的小地图上显示的资讯 (清楚标示的可破坏物件, 树丛, 高度变化等等)
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