[闲聊] 蒙古对红军的战争贡献回顾

楼主: GETpoint (掷雷爆卦)   2021-11-13 22:09:00
How did Mongolia contribute to the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany?
Russia Beyond (Photo: Legion Media)
历史2021 年 10 月 13 日鲍里斯·叶戈罗夫
超越俄罗斯(照片:Legion Media)
One in five horses in the Red Army came from Mongolia and one in five
overcoats used by Soviet soldiers were made of Mongolian wool.

Mongolia was one of the staunchest allies of the Soviet Union in the first
half of the 20th century. The two countries jointly opposed the Japanese
invasion of the People’s Republic in 1939. When, on June 22, 1941, the USSR
was invaded by German troops, the Mongols didn't stand idly by.
The Battles of Khalkhin Gol in 1939.
Sovfoto/Getty Images
The war in Europe, unfolding so far away from Mongolia, suddenly became its
war. And, in some respects, the assistance that this sparsely populated and
poor country rendered to the USSR was on a par with the aid provided by the
United States under the Lend-Lease program.
‘Gift from the Mongolian people'
The Mongolian leadership knew that it was not in a position to send its
troops to the West: Japan still posed a tangible threat and the country was
not able to form a significant contingent of expeditionary forces anyway.
That is why the republic intended to focus its efforts on providing all
possible economic assistance to its northern neighbor.
Public Domain
Under the slogan: “There should not be a single person in the country who
has not made a personal contribution to the Red Army aid fund”, Mongolia
launched a campaign to collect money and gifts for Red Army soldiers.
Already in October, the first train loaded with sheepskin coats, fur vests,
warm mittens, felt boots, sweaters and belts donated by Mongolian citizens
left for the Soviet Union. The next echelon, which was dispatched in February
1942, also contained food products: meat, sausages, butter and confectionery.
Trains with aid were dispatched to the USSR till early 1945.
一列火车启程前往苏联。下一个梯队于 1942 年 2 月派遣,也包含食品:肉类、香肠、
黄油和糖果。直到 1945 年初,后勤用的专列火车才被开往苏联。
Engaelyn Badam.
Archive photo
One of the most generous donors was nomadic cattle breeder Engaelyn Badam. On
behalf of her family, she donated in aid 16 camels, 93 horses, 1,600 sheep,
as well as a sum of 10,000 tugriks, enough to buy 12,500 more sheep.
Strategic materials
In addition to donations, Mongolia carried out large deliveries of meat,
wool, sheepskin and horses to the USSR on a regular basis at nominal prices.
In return, Moscow supplied Mongolia with industrial and food products that
the Asian country needed and offset Mongolian debts to the Soviet Union.
Public Domain
Throughout the war, Mongolia provided its northern ally with some 500,000
tons of meat (to compare, the USA supplied the USSR with 665,000 tons of
canned meat) and 64,000 tons of wool (the USA sent 54,000 tons). One in five
overcoats used by Red Army soldiers were made of Mongolian wool.
在整个战争期间,蒙古为其北方盟友提供了约 50 万吨肉类(相比之下,美国向苏联提供
了 66.5 万吨罐头肉)和 6.4 万吨羊毛(美国提供了 5.4 万吨)。红军士兵使用的大衣
In effect, the Mongolian People’s Republic was the sole supplier of
sheepskin for the USSR. The material was used to make winter coats for Red
Army commanders.
Public Domain
Another crucial area in which Mongolian aid to the USSR was key were horses.
In the initial period of the war alone, the Soviet Union lost almost half of
its livestock: by September 1942, out of 17.5 million horses, only nine
million remained.
到 1942 年 9 月,在 1750 万匹马中,只剩下 900 万匹。
Throughout the war, the Mongolian state bought almost 485,000 horses from its
cattle breeders to be supplied to the Soviet Union, with a further 32,000
horses donated by herdsmen.
在整个战争期间,蒙古国从畜牧场购买了近 485,000 匹马供应给苏联,另外还有
32,000 匹马由牧民捐赠。
The low-maintenance and hardy animals proved very good at adapting to the
harsh conditions of the Eastern Front and were of vital help to the Soviet
troops in transporting goods and pieces of artillery until the shortage of
trucks was resolved. One in five horses used on the Soviet front came from
Public Domain
“The horses had excellent marching qualities,” Soviet general Issa Pliev
recalled. “The short Mongolian horse has a strong build and short strong
legs with small strong hooves. It is capable of covering a distance of 100
kilometers in a day for several days in a row... Thus, the hardy and
low-maintenance Mongol horse reached Berlin together with Soviet tanks.”
“这些马匹具有出色的行进品质,”苏联将军 Issa Pliev回忆道。“蒙古矮马体格健壮
Tanks, aircraft and volunteers
On January 16, 1942, the leadership of the Mongolian People’s Republic
decided to start collecting funds to manufacture a tank column to donate to
the Red Army. A year later, a Mongolian delegation led by the country’s
leader, Marshal Khorloogiin Choibalsan, presented the Soviet 112th Tank
Brigade with 32 T-34 tanks and 21 T-70 light tanks made with the collected
The 112th Brigade, which was dubbed Revolutionary Mongolia, took part in the
Battle of Kursk, where it successfully proved itself in battles against one
of the most famous formations of the Wehrmacht, the Großdeutschland (Great
Germany) Division. For their courage and heroism, the brigade’s servicemen
were awarded both Soviet and Mongolian medals.
第 112 旅被称为蒙古革命军,参加了库斯克会战,并在与德国国防军最著名的编队之一
Soldiers of the Red Army receive the Revolutionary Mongolia tank column.
By the summer of 1943, with funds donated by the people of Mongolia, the 2nd
Fighter Squadron, known as the Mongolian Arat Squadron, was set up. On
September 25, it was handed over to the 2nd Guards Regiment of the 322nd
Fighter Aviation Division.
“Finally, the long-awaited hour has come. One after another, 12 brand new
La-5 combat aircraft emerged from behind the forest, each carrying a bright
red inscription Mongolian Arat on its fuselage. Having circled over the
airfield, the aircraft taxied to a specially designated area. Shouts [of] ‘
Hurray, Mongol Arat!’, ‘Hurray, Mongolian people!’ drowned out the roar of
the engines,” wrote Lieutenant General Alexander Semyonov recalling that
(电子化的俄方文件) http://militera.lib.ru/h/semenov2/02.html
Fighters of the Mongolian Arat Squadron.
Public Domain
The squadron took part in such important battles as Operation Bagration, as
well as in the Berlin and Prague operations. Its personnel (as well as the
personnel of the Revolutionary Mongolia Tank Brigade) were partially
maintained by the Mongolian side, which never failed to commemorate the
servicemen’s bravery with awards.
In addition, from 500 to several thousand Mongol volunteers took part in
fighting against the Germans on the Eastern Front. Red Army commanders valued
them for their excellent skills as hunters and riders, so Mongolian
volunteers mainly served in cavalry units and were successfully used as
scouts and snipers.
此外,还有 500 到数千名蒙古志愿者参加了在东线与德国人的战斗。红军指挥官看重他
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active hyperlink to the original material.
作者: HAHAcomet (值得信任的彗星小天使)   2021-11-13 22:25:00
楼主: GETpoint (掷雷爆卦)   2021-11-13 22:28:00
俄国媒体啊 另一个名字是历史禁词 跟着原文机翻就长这样
作者: Uber (Uber)   2021-11-13 22:47:00
作者: hedgehogs (刺猬)   2021-11-14 00:22:00
作者: mattc123456c (Matt Zhuang)   2021-11-14 00:23:00
作者: ROMEL (Bin)   2021-11-14 00:25:00
那个"People's Republic"是指蒙古人民共和国吧?
作者: mattc123456c (Matt Zhuang)   2021-11-14 01:28:00
说完蒙古、苏联,接下来紧接的两国又加上反对日本入侵"People's Republic"是不是忘了1939年中共还没篡夺中国目前部分英文文章会直接用该词来代称中国
作者: ooostr (土耳其软糖)   2021-11-14 01:41:00
作者: donkilu (donkilu)   2021-11-14 03:04:00
蒙古马的好 红军都知道
作者: hsinhanchu (hsinhanchu)   2021-11-14 08:54:00
作者: proletariat (Die Ruinen von Athen)   2021-11-14 09:34:00
1939年是指诺门罕啦 才不是防卫中华人民共和国文章中1939年的people’s republic 是蒙古人民共和国
作者: sandiegopadr (???)   2021-11-14 09:55:00
真的渣翻 看上下文人民共和国就指蒙古 可惜不能嘘
作者: money501st (moneywayne501st)   2021-11-14 11:54:00
奶油.........黄油.........上下文来看People’s Republic在这里是指蒙古没错
作者: mattc123456c (Matt Zhuang)   2021-11-14 12:22:00
作者: cksxxb (胖小喵)   2021-11-14 13:19:00
作者: IAMCSH (BorninMCMXCVIII)   2021-11-15 16:17:00
作者: iamoldtwo (目标:单手脚离地拉单杆)   2021-11-15 19:11:00
作者: ja23072008   2021-11-15 21:04:00
作者: Kazuma0332 (糯米掺黏米)   2021-11-16 09:20:00

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