We were good, we were gold Kinda dream that can't be sold We were right til we weren't Built a home and watched it burn https://youtu.be/G7KNmW9a75Y 晚安 听歌 最近喜欢这首 那天再烦恼忘记带运动衣服的时候,走进了忧衣裤 看到鲜花束好漂亮 鲜橙色的玫瑰 渐层粉的康乃馨 气质紫色的桔梗 白色的兵乓菊 但一束149 I 真的 can't buy myself flowers 欸 就算花真的美逆 但也是过一周就谢了 真是谢了 谢谢你的美 :) 晚安,爱花的人儿 remember you can love you better