[征求] Talk on Skype

楼主: Wantai (万太)   2021-06-05 10:24:18
Though it’s a beautiful holiday, I’m still woken up by the damn body clock.
Here to invite U to talk on Skype.
About me
Female/Leo/Rebellious/Cook/PTS drama/
About U
Nothing but smart will be better
To the friend chatted with me yesterday.
Thank U and hope U everything goes well.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay positive.
作者: hsing30 (神隐*星星知我心)   2021-06-05 10:36:00
应该多睡一点的 生理时钟啊QQQ
楼主: Wantai (万太)   2021-06-05 10:39:00
I wanna say “MDFK” to my damn body clock.
作者: hsing30 (神隐*星星知我心)   2021-06-05 11:21:00
还好我就算醒了 也有再继续躺着睡着的能力 0.0

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