vancent (新的乡民XD)
2017-09-05 10:08:01想要征求一位能帮我把以下英文翻韩文的版友
有P币2000(税前)报酬 如嫌太低可以站内信XDDDD
Subject: Register now for the Money20/20 Seoul roadshow on Sept 26th
Hi there,
Money20/20 is coming to Seoul this September. It is our 4th regional roadshow
event in the lead up to the inaugural Money20/20 Asia.
Money20/20 Asia is partnering with The D.CAMP for our roadshow event on Sept
26th (Tues) which will showcase the latest FinTech stats and insights coming
out of the exciting industry ecosystem in South Korea.
We’d like to invite you to join us to hear from a panel of experts on the
latest industry trends and innovations. You’ll have an opportunity to
network and learn more about what we’re planning for Money20/20 Asia in
March 2018.
The roadshow event is free to attend and we will be providing food and drinks
as part of the networking.
Full agenda: https://asia.money2020.com/seoul
Register here to join us in Soul.
Spaces are limited and running out quickly so please ensure you register as
soon as possible. We can’t wait to see you there!
Thank you.