dosandonts (Catalano is A+)
2017-07-23 18:11:06各位帅哥美女下午安
我可能会GG了 因为表现不好 Ruby可能会请我自己收拾收拾 包袱款款走人
而且我在美商 很注重KPI 我表现不好 加上我EQ不好 没有跟同事变成麻吉
所以很可能明天是最后一天 所以自己摸摸LP 捏著LP 自己知道就好 心里有底了
刚才去50岚 天啊 又让我看到小帅哥 敲帅 大概是蒋友柏先生等级 敲帅的~~~
还留中长发 天啊 犯规了啦 逼逼逼 违规 红牌出场
我发现我变丑之后(学生时代160/40 12年后的现在160/65)
但我以前根本只看中等的男人 长的像荻原圣人 或 张学友 等级的
结果我现在变丑之后 超爱看帅哥 真的口味有重
其实我最爱还是宣宣啦 因为真的PERFECT! 超级新好男人 现在又买房了 梗梗梗
帅啊 帅翻天 翻天
不过他明年初要跟他的fiancee 阿娜答结婚了
不晓得有没有偷跑 搞不好已婚了
唉 人生至此 不如呷赛 自己撒泡尿照照 就是母猪一只(我说我)
Hi, everyone:
How are you?
How's the weather in your place?
Is it hot?
I am sweating and still have enough money to spend on drinks.
Maybe I could buy one for you if you would like to come to Neihu, Taipei.
It's because I work for Axxxx electronics in his merged company in Neihu.
If you would like to come to visit us, I could buy you a drink.
How about your day today?
Did you go shopping in East District or go hiking and camping?
Hopefully you could be very happy for sure.
Anyway, I might be the last day working in Neihu due to my inferior
performance in the technology company whose mother corp. is Axxxx.
Just want to have you blessed and wish you all the best.
Have a nice weekend!
Kind Regards,
各位下午安 小男生宣宣下午安 内湖下午安 台中一级棒喔安
881 886 周末愉快
征求 skype聊天