[情报] 邕圣祐出席品牌活动 Ralph's New York

楼主: nomedym (N同学)   2024-11-17 20:44:45
韩网新闻 https://tenasia.hankyung.com/article/2024102840184
10/25 邕圣祐出席 Ralph Lauren在首尔林荫路举办的宣传活动
“Ralph's New York”
一同出席的还有NANA、NCT 127 Mark、N.Flying李承协、LE SSERAFIM中村一叶等明星
相关新闻照片(多图) https://today.line.me/tw/v2/article/yzrDeKk
邕自己发的IG照片们 https://www.instagram.com/p/DBlFS_rvtid/
内文:Ralph‘s NewYork 2024 Fall Season
f社发的照片 https://www.instagram.com/p/DBjB8rsvuSu/
内文:We met ONG SEONG-WU at the Polo Ralph Lauren <Ralph;s New York> site!
We could feel our hearts getting toasty after meeting the bright and
Please send lots of love and support for ONG SEONG-WU’s new journey ahead
媒体影片 https://youtu.be/4N5aysxLFC0?si=E541_0TuoKAWbxWi

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