※ 引述《mealoop (肉oop)》之铭言:
: https://www.wowhead.com/news/335795
: 以下估狗翻译
: 有趣的是你应该要提到这一点。我们已经就这个主题进行了几次内部讨论,虽然还没有什
: 么可以宣布的(而且,实际上,暂时不太可能),但这是我们非常关注的问题。说“敬请
: 关注”感觉有点不诚实,因为不会立即出现任何结果,但如果这些讨论有结果,这是你不
: 要感到惊讶的预警。
: 一篇废话 有讲跟没讲差不多
: 不过看起来第四季或者11版就会出现对应措施 吗?
其实原讨论区的空气 是跟ptt这里有点落差的
Since there is a problem with people bailing on mythic+ keys and going into
groups and generally not wanting to cooperate. Why isn’t it a thing (or
could it be a thing) to give incentive to complete a pug group without anyone
leaving? Not enough to be game breaking, but enough to be desirable? Some bit
of new currency that could purchase cosmetic items/pets/mounts?
There seems to be a problem that is often commented on in the forums about
this topic. If folks are trolling just for funsies, why not give them a
reason NOT to? Reward the desired behavior. . .more carrot. . so to speak?
Just a thought.
(奖励)不需要很OP 但是会让玩家想拿 可能是可以买外观/宠物/坐骑的货币?
简单来说原PO(Kaylessa)就是想要奖励去鼓励别人 不去跳车
I know FF14 has a rating system that can only be used by randoms and not
friends, I think a certain commendation rating gives you stuff, so I guess
being a jerk will not give you points from others.
You mean something like that?
FF14有一个纯预组才可以给分的系统 如果你是个机掰人别人不会给你分
You do have people who leave for legit reasons. . .the run is just chaos, the
dog is throwing up, someone is at the door, sudden emergency bathroom trip.
.etc. Those would get lumped in too, but the people who do that generally don
’t make a habit of it.
It is rare for me to leave a pug run. I did last week when I went into vault
of the incarnates for some mog items and there was only one tank. . .and that
tank decided (after being told repeatedly not to do it) that he was going to
solo tank the primal council. I bailed on that one. There was also a healer
missing. Tank didn’t want to wait. But generally, I’ll stay through wipes,
it’s not a big deal. I’m pretty tolerant and I’m a newbie guide as well.
I’m just trying to figure out a way to deal with the (extremely vocal)
problem of people bricking keys or going into instances just to be a troll.
So I’d want to see how many times they’ve bailed on an a run in progress…
. and how many times they’ve been vote kicked.
1.人有急事跳车 她可以理解
但是她举的例子很奇怪 她说打上版本的团本 ummmmrm
当然知道她的意思就好 她的意思是她是个有耐心的玩家
例如他们连续跳了几次车 连续被踢了几次
所以有了这些讨论 设计师Chimes所发的这个回应 就变得可以理解了吧
"你说的东西很有趣 我们也想过 但是现在不会加 但是加了也不要太意外"
奖励系统 还在想
故意戳人的惩罚 现在的确惩罚了某些玩家(大土坑就被罚过)
会把自己的人物用带/代打打上高分 然后进那些相对低层的组
比如3500分他会去加 23 24这种