china2025 (china2025)
2023-06-10 18:24:00问了chatgpt:
While it's generally a good practice to back up your entire game
configuration folder, including the "config.wtf" file, if you're specifically
concerned about preserving your settings and preferences, backing up the
"config.wtf" file should be sufficient. This file contains the majority of
your personal configuration options for the game.
To back up the "config.wtf" file, simply make a copy of it and store it in a
safe location, such as a separate folder or an external storage device. This
way, if anything happens to your original file or you accidentally make
unwanted changes, you can restore the backup to revert to your previous
Remember that the location of the "config.wtf" file may vary depending on
your operating system and the specific game you're playing. Make sure to
locate the correct file associated with your game installation.
想确认一下 是不是只要备份config.wtf 接口的设定等等就会保留
如果要砍了程式 请问还有哪些档案要备份的