[情报] 2023 动视爆雪第一季财报

楼主: pttdolby (在世界中心呼喊章鱼烧...)   2023-04-28 01:54:59
1.==先讲结论: 整个集团靠手游撑住
Activision Blizzard has released first quarter financial results
for the year of 2023, announcing strong earnings, 62% increased
segment revenue for Blizzard Entertainment, and double-digit growth
in total mobile revenue - led by Candy Crush, Call of Duty: Mobile,
and Diablo Immortal.
2.==暴雪活跃人数 接近腰斩 (因为陆服关系)
Blizzard Entertainment - 27 million monthly active users,
down from 45 million in Q4 2022.
The loss of the Chinese playerbase hurt Blizzard's user count
compared to last quarter.
3.==同期相比 暴雪增加62%收入 #暗黑四的预购预计在第二季赚饱饱
Blizzard segment revenue increased 62% year-over-year in the first quarter,
with each of Warcraft, Overwatch and Diablo contributing to growth.
Segment operating income was broadly stable year-over-year,
reflecting higher development and marketing costs,
including launch investment ahead of the second quarter release
of Diablo IV.
The Overwatch and World of Warcraft teams delivered substantial in-game
content and live operations to excite and sustain their communities
following major product launches in the fourth quarter.
Following the November release of the Dragonflight expansion for
the Modern game, our World of Warcraft team
is delivering more content faster than ever before, and subscriber
retention in the West is higher than at the equivalent stage of
recent Modern expansions.
While Overwatch engagement moderated versus the Overwatch 2
launch quarter, hours played were approximately twice the levels seen
prior to the release of the free-to-play experience. Season 3,
which launched in February, drove strong retention and consistent
player investment versus the prior season.
Diablo Immortal on mobile and PC also contributed to Blizzard’s first
quarter net bookings growth, with the game experiencing stable trends across
engagement, retention and player investment. Elsewhere on mobile, Warcraft:
Arclight Rumble, an action strategy game internally-developed at Blizzard,
continues to progress well through regional testing.
5.==暗黑4测试反馈不错 预计在未来就靠它了
Diablo IV, the next major installment in the genre-defining series, will
launch on PC and console on June 6. Public testing of the game in March
saw very high engagement and positive feedback, and pre-sales are strong.
This ambitious title will serve as the launch for a compelling live
service, with regular seasons and story-driven expansions planned
to drive engagement for many years to come.
作者: pig8409 (Grinbear)   2023-04-28 01:55:00
作者: knok (诺克)   2023-04-28 01:57:00
作者: LaiTW (LaiTW)   2023-04-28 02:00:00
作者: KillerMoDo (你妈知道你在发废文吗)   2023-04-28 02:00:00
在台湾不红吧 另外暗黑手游在中国还可以玩的样子
作者: ChrisDavis (工业电风扇)   2023-04-28 02:07:00
作者: Abre (任愉悦)   2023-04-28 02:21:00
作者: uhbygv45 (艾斯克特)   2023-04-28 02:37:00
D4预购根本没有计入财报 哪来的赚饱饱?而且D4的宣传还增加这季很多成本
作者: timeofeve (夏娃的时间)   2023-04-28 07:46:00
少了陆服 营收反而增加0.0
作者: meatmm   2023-04-28 07:57:00
可能陆服要分帐 死忠的跑去别的服务器玩不用分帐吧
作者: jack21023 (就叫我科科)   2023-04-28 08:36:00
作者: Rivendare (〞︶〝*)   2023-04-28 09:26:00
活跃人数接近腰斩结果更赚了 要怎么倒==
作者: a6268538 (黄金鼠)   2023-04-28 09:26:00
作者: a28200266 (阵雨)   2023-04-28 09:37:00
暗黑四还没算进财报吧 支出倒是算进去了*预购赚的钱还没算进财报 行政支出 营销有算进成本
作者: yuusan (.......................)   2023-04-28 10:14:00
作者: b2305911 (HowardX)   2023-04-28 10:28:00
作者: she1pshow (查理)   2023-04-28 10:40:00
作者: farseer7 (FS)   2023-04-28 11:10:00
作者: zzahoward (Cheshire Cat)   2023-04-28 11:46:00
作者: owlonoak (深邃光辉)   2023-04-28 12:16:00
作者: a28200266 (阵雨)   2023-04-28 12:16:00
收入是yoy 所以...看看就好啦 少陆服营收没增加
作者: owlonoak (深邃光辉)   2023-04-28 12:17:00
这样算一算去年第一季应该是科西亚最后 泽瑞斯之前吧那确实是谷底
作者: hegemonist (还在濛濛濛濛 )   2023-04-28 13:11:00
怎么中国那边在说 营收锐减 ? 有人方便分析一下吗?
作者: DEVIN929 (厌倦)   2023-04-28 13:12:00
没了中国营收涨了 气气气气气
作者: hydra3179 (柚木N的N)   2023-04-28 13:33:00
作者: cat05joy (CATHER520)   2023-04-28 13:42:00
除了疫情还有性骚扰爆开 所以炸掉
作者: wmud ((ˊ"_")ˊ N￾N )   2023-04-28 13:46:00
作者: ideallife (爱情绝缘体)   2023-04-28 13:53:00
作者: Snowman (人生大老马.....)   2023-04-28 14:49:00
9.0一开始还会期待那些死名人的剧情 结果9.1内部炸掉剧情随便上 9的玩法也是整个很闷给玩家一堆限制 最惨的是台版人不多还可以初期服务器大延迟 直接果断quit
作者: FuNnYw (阿尼)   2023-04-28 14:56:00
我大COD表现也亮眼!! 好玩 可惜台湾不够红...其实魔兽做的很厉害了...还能活到现在
作者: sunway42 (Sunway)   2023-04-28 15:16:00
作者: a28200266 (阵雨)   2023-04-28 16:00:00
去年q4卖CD key 有陆服 今年第一季跌也正常这里成长是跟去年第一季比 不是跟上一季(陆服撤掉前)所以中国那边才说营收锐减(跟上一季比) 不过每次大版本更新后下一季营收都会减少中国部分占整体动暴不大 占暴雪部分还是不小 衰退一定有
作者: NICK992 (专注天性热情所在)   2023-04-28 17:08:00
先砍乱管言论乱封号的垃圾GM 不然快倒一倒 垃圾管制
作者: AdwaSgibin (卤肉饭超人)   2023-04-28 18:16:00
Candy不是暴雪的吧= =嗷,没看到第一条讲动视暴雪,那没事了

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