LABOYS (洛城浪子)
2018-06-19 15:43:25https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1008930621400416256
Bonus rolls are changing in Battle for Azeroth. Players will only be able to
buy TWO Coins per week (down from 3) and they are more expensive to purchase.
BFA Prices <= Legion Price*
10 / 25 荣誉奖章 5 / 10 荣誉奖章
2,000 / 5,000 金币 1,000 / 2,000 金币
200 / 500 战争资源 1,000 / 2,000 大厅资源
Now, if you're spending your coins every week, you'll only get two coins to
bonus roll in raids and/or dungeons. In addition, the maximum number of Seal
of Wartorn Fate that you can carry is 5 (down from 6 in Legion), so you won't
be able to save as many coins going into Uldir raid week!
上限也从6 降至 5。