[情报] PTR种族天赋

楼主: d95272372 (火星人)   2017-12-01 18:08:49
Light's Judgement- Call down a strike of Holy energy dealing 5,150 Holy damage
to enemies within 5 yards after 3 sec. 40 yd range, 2.5 min cooldown.
Forge of Light- Summon a forge of light, enabling Blacksmithing.
Blacksmithing skill increased by 10.
Demonbane- Experience gains from killing demons increased by 20%.
Holy Resistance- Reduce Holy damage taken by 1%.
Final Verdict- When you die the Light avenges you, dealing 1,162 Holy damage
to enemies within 8 yards and healing allies for 1,383.
Chill of Night- Reduces Arcane and Shadow damage taken by 1%.
Entropic Embrace- Your abilities have a chance to empower you with the
essence of the Void.
Ethereal Connection- Reduces the cost of Void Storage and Transmogrification
by 50%.
Preturnatural Calm- Your spell casts are not delayed by taking damage.
Spatial Rift- Rip a rift in space and time. Reactivate this ability to
teleport through the rift.
Rugged Tenacity- Reduces damage taken by 330
Pride of Ironhorn- Mining skill increased by 15 and allows you to mine
Mountaineer- Increases your Versatility by 1%.
Bull Rush- Charges forward for 1 sec, knocking enemies down for 1.5 sec.
2 minute cooldown.
Waste Not, Want Not- You have a chance to loot additional meat and fish
Ancient History- Inscription skill increased by 15.
Arcane Affinity- Increases magical damage 1%.
Cantrips- Conjure up an Eldritch Grimoire, allowing you mail access for
1.5 minutes.
Dispel Illusions- Draw upon your arcane sight, piercing illusions and
invisibility within 15 yards.
Magical Resistance Reduces magical damage taken by 1%.
Masquerade- Shroud yourself in illusion, taking on the appearance of
another Nightborne.
楼主: d95272372 (火星人)   2017-12-01 18:09:00
手机app自己多加问号... 等回家在改好了
作者: breakblue (深苍)   2017-12-01 18:20:00
看来虚空精灵适合玩法系 被打不会延长施法夜裔精灵有移除幻象 拿来抓盗贼吗?
作者: fsuhcikt (后门干屎哥)   2017-12-01 18:25:00
作者: sataD   2017-12-01 18:26:00
作者: john29908 (雪飘无音)   2017-12-01 18:28:00
作者: breakblue (深苍)   2017-12-01 18:33:00
作者: smallpig0903 (大猪)   2017-12-01 18:35:00
楼主: d95272372 (火星人)   2017-12-01 18:36:00
作者: Gugu0510 (GuguG)   2017-12-01 18:37:00
作者: sarevork (蚰梜黎h郎)   2017-12-01 18:42:00
夜裔的1%魔伤更适合法系 PVE联盟翻身无望而且还外加反隐形...PVP也食用 高牛的也是两边都有用
作者: cumsubin (Daisuke)   2017-12-01 19:02:00
德莱尼设定有混一些阿拉伯文化 现在特长还有圣光自杀炸弹BZ你一定是故意的
作者: angol1337 (凯风快晴)   2017-12-01 19:03:00
作者: breakblue (深苍)   2017-12-01 19:04:00
作者: henry1234562 (亨利二十三)   2017-12-01 19:08:00
虚空精灵照叙述 是会类似法阵的东西然后能当武僧 PVP的虚空精灵补僧又是个噩梦了
作者: a88rtye (强尼)   2017-12-01 19:09:00
作者: breakblue (深苍)   2017-12-01 19:09:00
说起来 我比较好奇新种族的舞蹈该不会光铸德莱尼也是捏他tunak tunak tun吧
作者: cumsubin (Daisuke)   2017-12-01 19:14:00
圣光铁砧能让制造物有小小附魔效果会比较好吧? +10锻造有点无用 都用圣光铸造物品了还没什么加成在物品上
作者: breakblue (深苍)   2017-12-01 19:20:00
那这样 像血精或地精都需要增加效果了 都有加专业等级
作者: Sociology56 (理性化的牢笼)   2017-12-01 19:22:00
作者: cumsubin (Daisuke)   2017-12-01 19:33:00
也可以是种族限定的附魔外观 或 独有的塑型设计图
作者: sarevork (蚰梜黎h郎)   2017-12-01 19:35:00
改成可修装实用+1 夜裔都有邮箱了

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