Activision Blizzard Q4 2015 Earnings
- 军临天下有望在今年夏天,继传奇影业6月发行的魔兽电影上映之后推出。
- 2015年暴雪的月活跃用户数达到历史最高。第四季度的月活跃用户数比去年同期增长近
- 炉石战记现在拥有超过4000万的注册玩家。
- 2015年11月12日,暴雪推出了炉石战记的第三个冒险模式:探险者协会。它在上线头6
- 星海争霸:虚空之遗在发售的24小时之内售出了超过100万份。
- 已经有超过800万的玩家报名参加斗阵特攻beta测试,比上次财报电话会议中提到的700
- 作为一个整体,动视暴雪的数位产品收入首次超过零售收入。
● Legion is expected to launch this summer, following the June release of the
Warcraft film by Legendary Pictures.
● Blizzard reached an all-time high for Monthly Active Users in 2015. Fourth
quarter MAUs were up nearly 25% year-over-year.
● Hearthstone now has over 40 million registered players.
● On November 12, 2015 Blizzard launched The League of Explorers, the third a
dventure for Hearthstone, selling over 20% more units as of the first 6 weeks
after launch than the prior Adventure in the same time frame.
● Legacy of the Void sold over 1 million copies in the first 24 hours of laun
● More than 8 million players have signed up for Overwatch beta, up from 7 mi
llion as of last earnings call.
● Activision Blizzard as a whole had higher digital revenue than retail reven
ue for the first time.