团队及地城 Raids and Dungeons
地狱火堡垒 Hellfire Citadel
* 血魔 Gorefiend
* 传奇难度下,消化及抵抗的持续时间增加至35秒(自30秒增加)
* Increased the duration for Digest and Resisting to 35
seconds (up from 30 seconds) on Mythic difficulty.
恐轨车站 Grimrail Depot
* 修正一个于奈楚格·雷塔战斗中,玩家错误地能够反射一些技能伤害的问
* Fixed an issue where players were incorrectly able to reflect
damage for a number of abilities during the Nitrogg Thundertower
冰冠城塞 Icecrown Citadel
* 巫妖王:玩家于最后阶段掉落平台外时,不再陷于战斗中并可释放他们的
* The Lich King: Players that fall off the platform during the
final stage of the encounter should no longer remain stuck in
combat and be able to release their spirits.
艾斯兰 Ashran
* “懦夫”的负面效果现在将会于未接受进入艾斯兰战斗的确认提示时,施
* Recreant is now applied if a player does not accept the prompt
to enter Ashran.
佣兵模式 Mercenary Mode
* 修正一个导致佣兵模式效果未正确施加于角色身上的状况。
* Fixed a situation that could cause the Mercenary mode buff to
not be applied correctly on a character.
成就 Achievements
* 航海之王:完成此成就所获得的头衔现在为帐号共同(适用100级及以上
* 丛林大混战:完成此成就所获得的头衔现在为帐号共同(适用100级及以
* Master of the Seas: The title associated with this achievement
is now account-wide for level 100 characters.
* Rumble in the Jungle: The title associated with this achievement
is now account-wide for level 100 characters.