August 14
团队及地城 Raids and Dungeons
地狱火堡垒 Hellfire Citadel
地狱火高阶议会 Hellfire High Council
* Dia Darkwhisper's Darkness now lasts 15 seconds.
* Dispelling Dia Darkwhisper's Mark of the Necromancer during Nightmare
Visage should no longer incorrectly cause Burden of the Necromancer to deal
more damage.
* DiaDarkwhisper will no longer cast Mark of the Necromancer during her
final cast of Reap.
* 蒂雅・暗语的“黑暗”型态现在持续15秒。
* 于梦魇幻貌期间驱散死灵法师印记时,不会错误使死灵法师之负造成的伤害提高。
* 蒂雅・暗语最后一次施放收割时,不会同时施放死灵法师印记。
恶魔领主札昆 Fel Lord Zakuun
* Fel Lord Zakuun no longer targets non-players with Wake of Destruction.
* 恶魔领主札昆不再对非玩家目标施放毁灭浪潮。
艾斯兰 Ashran
* Players waiting to be resurrected at the center graveyard will
now be teleported to their faction's base if the center graveyard becomes
* 玩家于烬槌墓地等待复活,但该墓地为中立状态时,玩家会被传送到阵营堡垒的墓地。
职业 Class
圣骑士 Paladin
神圣 Holy
* Mastery: Illuminated Healing should now correctly have its damage absorption
reduced by Dampening.
* 精通:圣光治疗的伤害吸收效果现在会正确受抑制影响而减少。(PVP)