August 5
要塞 Garrison
追随者 Followers
* Talonpriest Ishaal's Last Rites ability should now correctly be considered a
stun effect. The effect lasts 3 seconds when used against other players, and
shares diminishing returns with other stun effects.
* 魔爪祭司艾夏欧的“最后的仪式”技能现在被视为击昏效果。当对其他玩家施放时会持
团队及地城 Raids and Dungeons
地狱火堡垒 Hellfire Citadel
地狱火高阶议会 Hellfire High Council
* Dia Darkwhisper's Mark of the Necromancer now deals 20% less damage. Additio
nally, applications of Mark of the Necromancer can no longer be delayed.
* 蒂雅.暗语施放的死灵法师印记造成的伤害减少20%。此外,死灵法师印记的不再延迟
物品 Items
* Sanctus, Sigil of the Unbroken's on-use ability has been doubled in effectiv
eness and now grants 50% to Versatility (up from 25%) on the base ring.
* 山塔斯,不破符印的使用效果已经调整,现在于735物品等级时增加50%的临机应变,并