July 13
团队及地城 Raids and Dungeons
地狱火堡垒 Hellfire Citadel
一般 General
‧Fixed an issue where using chaining abilities against very large
targets could cause the ability to not chain correctly to smaller targets.
地狱火高阶议会Hellfire High Council
‧Fixed an issue that could cause Dia Darkwhisper to not cast Mark of the
Necromancer a final time upon reaching 30% health.
‧ 修正一个可能导致蒂雅‧暗语于她的最后一刻时(30%以下),不会施放死灵法师印记
‧Wrynn's Vanguard Battle Standard and Vol'jin's Spear Battle Standard
can no longer be used while in a rated-PvP environment.
职业 Class
套装效果 Tier Armor Set Bonuses
Fixed an issue
affecting a number of tier armor set bonuses not granting a chance to trigger
the set bonus effect if the attacking ability's damage had been fully absorbed
by a damage shield.
‧Tier-18 2-piece set bonus for Balance Druids
‧Tier-18 2-piece set bonus for Discipline Priests
‧Tier-17 4-piece set bonus for Combat Rogues
‧Tier-18 2-piece set bonus for Assassination Rogues
‧Tier-18 2-piece set bonus for Affliction Warlocks
‧Tier-18 4-piece set bonus for Affliction Warlocks
‧T18 x 2 – 德鲁伊 平衡专精
‧T18 x 2 – 牧师 戒律专精
‧T17 x 4 – 盗贼 战斗专精
‧T18 X 2 – 盗贼 刺杀专精
‧T18 x 2 – 术士 痛苦专精
‧T18 x 4 – 术士 痛苦专精
德鲁伊 Druid
恢复 Restoration
‧Lifebloom should now be correcting granting full effects of Mastery:
Harmony's bonus to periodic healing during the bloom portion of the spell.
猎人 Hunter
一般技能 General Abilities
‧Fixed an issue where Kill Shot (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship) can
occasionally fail to reset its cooldown if it fails to kill the target.
天赋 Talents
‧Barrage should no longer incorrectly hit targets that are in stealth if
the Hunter is unable to see them.
法师 Mage
‧Water Elemental's Water Jet and Freeze ability could no longer be
incorrectly cast at the same time.
‧Fixed an issue with Monk abilities that could incorrectly detect
two-handed vs. dual-wielded weapons.