July 2
职业 Classes
术士 Warlock
‧Burning Rush and Glyph of Life Pact no longer break crowd control effects.
团队及地城 Dungeons and Raids
永茂林 The Everbloom
亚尔努 Yalnu
‧Kirin Tor Batttle-Mage no longer continues to choke after Entanglement is ki
地狱火堡垒 Hellfire Citadel
‧Players should no longer become saved to the Hellfire Citadel instance by ki
lling a Voracious Soulstalker.
寇姆洛克 Kormrok
‧Kormrok no longer quickly despawns after being killed.
“永恒者”索奎萨尔 Socrethar the Eternal
‧Sargerei Dominators no longer immediately attack nearby players after spawni
ng and applying their shield.
‧Sargerei Dominators’ Gift of the Man'ari has had its damage reduced by 15%
on all difficulties.
‧Warlords Season 2 honor gear now scales to ilvl 715 in PvP, as intended.
艾斯兰 Ashran
‧During the Ashmaul Burial Grounds event, Risen Spirits now spawn at a greate
r rate.
任务 Quests
‧Previous-season versions of the PvP quest “Slay Them All!” are now removed
from players quest logs, so that the new versions of these quests can be auto
matically picked up.