awaited (菲)
2015-03-02 00:49:16http://goo.gl/02Ntzq
March: ‘The Real Race’, including the Racing Strider racer and a set of
achievements with rewards.
三月开放正式大赛 / 竞速陆行鸟
April: ‘The Real Big Race’, including a new Rocketeer racer, more boosts
and race buffs, and new achievements for beating the The Real Big Race with
both racers.
四月开放正港大赛 / 火箭侠
May: A new Wanderluster racer, new achievements for beating both races with
the Wanderluster, and rewards.
June: A new Powermonger racer, new achievements for beating both races with
the Powermonger, and rewards.
成就也懂分段开放 o_0