burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2020-07-20 18:42:21An epiphany could come to you suddenly this week about a matter you thought
was resolved a long time ago. You may not have thought about this in years,
Virgo, and you may wonder why it suddenly occurred to you. Most likely, you
asked for an answer way back when, but you weren't quite ready to receive it.
Now that you are, its appearance could signify that you have turned a corner
on a personal aspect of your life, and you are finally ready to move on. An
announcement that comes from someone close to you could be quite surprising
this week, and you may wonder why you didn't learn about it prior to this.
Maybe it was supposed to be a surprise, so push aside any hurt feelings,
enjoy the moment, and accept it at face value. You will soon see how special
you are to this individual. Have you ever noticed a house where an old car
sat up on blocks for a seemingly endless period of time with no one paying
attention to it, let alone working on it? If so, you may notice the
metaphorical similarity to a project you began long ago. Although you had no
intention of letting it go untouched and deteriorate at the time, it isn't
serving any useful purpose now, and the thought of this project being
suspended may weigh on you and keep you distracted. Finalize a decision on it
once and for all so that you can use that space in your mind more