burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2020-03-31 20:11:46Virgo horoscope for 4月
Being prepared is considered a virtue, and it is probably a virtue that you
admire greatly, Virgo. You believe in knowing exactly what you are getting
into, how to proceed, and what to expect. The predictability that comes with
that kind of research and planning offers a lot of comfort, especially to
someone like you who values the strength of a venture that is well-planned
ahead of time. But every now and then it can be good to jump right into
something without looking back. If you have a good feeling about something
this month but you don't have the time to do your usual planning, then go
with what you feel. It might turn out surprisingly well. If you find yourself
feeling down or disappointed because you feel stuck, turn your thoughts to
the future and think about how you can prepare yourself for it now. By
starting to envision your ideas manifesting in your life in the very near
future, you can go through the motions in your mind and prepare yourself for
upcoming opportunities. Time is never lost when it is spent imagining and
programming for happiness. A good deed you did for someone not so long ago
may be on your mind. Perhaps the person who received the favor did not
express their gratitude. And although you don't do good deeds to receive
thanks, it is nice to feel recognized. You may receive recognition this month
for your kindness, which should offer you sweet validation.