burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2020-01-22 23:14:18明天,还是要上班唷:)
Virgo horoscope for 星期四 1月 23
If you were to fall down while riding your bike or scooter and scrape your knee,
it might bleed slightly and it might hurt.
It would eventually form a scab, and then it would heal.
These are reasonable expectations.
You would not expect your knee to miraculously appear healed
and pain-free within the hour.
You may have experienced an emotional wound or hurt recently,
yet you may be forcing yourself to just get on with it and ignore it until it goes away.
But just as your knee may need some ointment, a bandage,
and time to heal, your emotions need the same - some time and loving care.
Give yourself that gift, Virgo.