burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2019-09-20 23:04:30You may have been strategizing and planning the perfect moment to present
something to someone or to a group. You want everything to align perfectly,
Virgo, because you believe that success comes when you are in control of your
own destiny. This week, though, without much if any notice at all, you may
find that the universe puts you in the spotlight. Don't hesitate to do what
you do best, even though it was not planned. If you believe in something, you
don't need a lot of practice to show off your best ideas. Go for it. Your
genuine concern and heartfelt guidance may be needed by a friend or a family
member this week. Don't hesitate to get involved, even though you know you
could be criticized by someone else for helping out. Your particular brand of
insight is just what's needed, and being someone's support system could also
bring a great sense of fulfillment. Be careful about getting caught up in
overheard gossip. What you hear may be tantalizing, but it may not be true.
As is so often the case, gossip is often created by bitter or angry people,
and even though it may contain some truth, it is rife with error and bad
energy. Steer clear.