burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2019-07-19 21:57:24You may suddenly feel the approval of those around you, Virgo. Recently, it
may have felt that you were unappreciated, unnurtured, and perhaps even
unnoticed. This week, though, will have a decidedly different vibration to
it. You may find that others not only seek you out but express their interest
and admiration of you. The tide is turning in certain important areas of your
life. Relish this and experience it fully. Any pursuits you begin now should
have good fortune, so be selective and think about embarking on those things
that are most meaningful and important to you first. In some area of your
life you have felt out of control. Not that you were not in control of
yourself, but that you had little influence over where certain ventures could
go. You may have felt blocked, intentionally or not, and that has felt very
discouraging. This week, it may seem as if some bottleneck has suddenly
dissipated clearing the way for you to move forward with grace and joy. On
the weekend, celebrate a friend's or a loved one's accomplishment - they will
relish your support.