[讨论] Virgo horoscope for 星期四 7月 4日

楼主: burgergirl (20 seconds insane)   2019-07-04 16:04:25
Someone in your life may want you to forgive and forget something they did to
you that affected you in a very negative way. While you may be longing to
move on, Virgo, you may feel that forgetting will be impossible. But you can
forgive without forgetting. You can let this go and still keep in mind what
occurred as a warning to yourself for the future. If this person does replace
the bad behavior with good behavior somewhere down the road, only then should
you try to forget what happened and start fresh.
作者: skyorsea (薇)   2019-07-04 16:34:00
作者: samkong   2019-07-04 18:18:00
等等 那个“很机歪”的原文是哪边XDD
作者: goodfumimg (Makaalaag)   2019-07-04 19:56:00
楼主: burgergirl (20 seconds insane)   2019-07-04 20:11:00
很机歪是我心里小小的谜之音 XD
作者: wallaceclair (晴文)   2019-07-04 20:26:00
前任欠我一个道歉 而我已经等了快三年
作者: nuj52 (80kg冲呀)   2019-07-04 22:04:00
作者: obawen (景安非)   2019-07-04 23:22:00

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