[讨论] Virgo horoscope for 星期五 1月 25日

楼主: burgergirl (20 seconds insane)   2019-01-25 16:26:16
You might prefer to spend your time around like-minded people today, Virgo,
but if you can join forces with people who have more diverse points of view,
you might get much more out of it. You could be working toward a goal that
you believe requires the backup of those who think like you, but the opposite
may be true. By hearing feedback and opinions from those who have a very
different perspective, you will benefit from those viewpoints, which would
not be obvious to you on your own. Be open to it.
作者: anglebee20 (职业卖笑高手)   2019-01-25 21:15:00
作者: BlackAsh (兔子小姐)   2019-01-26 00:36:00
楼主: burgergirl (20 seconds insane)   2019-01-26 20:33:00

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