burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2018-12-17 15:25:25周六照镜子,觉得自己很丑恶,周日便不敢出门了。
You may be dealing with an adult now who behaves more like a child. This
person may be selfish, self-centered, and unrealistic in their goals and in
the way they handle life in general. You may have tried talking to and
dealing with this person as an adult, but it probably backfired. That's
because this person is not prepared to handle life in a responsible way.
Naturally, that may be frustrating, Virgo, but it is what it is. Don't expect
maturity to happen overnight. This person's childishness comes from their
background and experiences. But if you continue to relate as an adult to an
adult, you will have a positive impact.